THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoinist is aflame to advertise a new affiliation with the CoolWallet S our new adopted wallet
The CoolWallet S is a unique, user-friendly, and defended accouterments wallet for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, XRP, Bitcoin Cash, and ERC20 Tokens.
In June, Bitcoinist reviewed the CoolWallet S and was afflicted by its sleek, attractive, and abiding acclaim card-like design, able-bodied aegis features, and a convenient smartphone appliance acknowledging both iOS and Android devices.
After reviewing the wallet, it bound became a agents admired — which is why Bitcoinist is blessed to accomplice with CoolBitX and accomplish the CoolWallet S our adopted wallet.
Michael Ou, CEO of CoolBitX, says:
In accession to actuality Bitcoinist’s adopted wallet, CoolBitX will additionally sponsor an absolute betrayal with Bitcoinist’s readers and community.
CoolBitX will accommodate eight chargeless CoolWallet S accessories to eight individuals.
To access this giveaway, chase the CoolWallet Telegram and Twitter, and retweet the betrayal advertisement in adjustment to be advised for the drawing.
What do you anticipate about the affiliation amid Bitcoinist and CoolWallet S? Will you be entering the giveaway? Let us apperceive in the comments below!
Images address of CoolBitX.