BitPay Criticized By Hong Kong Free Press For Freezing Bitcoin Payments

BitPay Criticized By Hong Kong Free Press For Freezing Bitcoin Payments

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin and cryptocurrency paymentprocessor BitPay is about to face addition beachcomber of abrogating publicity This time it has banned to alteration funds beatific as bitcoin donations to Hong Kong Free Press

Bitcoin Donations Temporarily Suspended

In an affronted tweet, HKFP architect and editor-in-chief, Tom Grundy, abreast supporters that cryptocurrency donations were briefly suspended. The acumen for this was that BitPay had banned to alteration donations for the accomplished three weeks.

In a aftereffect tweet, Grundy explained that funds had been captivated for weeks, artlessly because Hong Kong banks use SWIFT and not IBANs. One would brainstorm though, that this would accept been a constant issue, so it is cryptic why funds alteration has become a botheration now.

The accepted political altitude in Hong Kong agency there could be abounding factors involved. Perhaps BitPay is beneath burden from the Chinese government? Or maybe the botheration has consistently existed, but has become added of annoyance back donations are so badly required? Or it could artlessly be an alibi for amateurishness on BitPay’s part?

“Never use BitPay, folks.”

Whatever the reason, it is about absolutely altered from that of the aftermost accumulation of abrogating publicity a fortnight ago. That centered about BitPay refusing a $100,000 bitcoin donation to advice action fires in the Amazon rainforest, due to it actuality over the charity’s best acceptable amount.

But HKFP has alone accustomed HK$14,817 (US$1890) in bitcoin donations back it was founded in 2024. The latest agitation in the accompaniment may accept apparent a fasten in support, but it is absurd to accept breached limits.

Grundy was somewhat anathema in advising others not to use BitPay:

His affect was mirrored in the comments section, with several suggesting the open-source, BTCPay server as an alternative.

BitPay additionally afresh faced criticism for disguising it own fees as ‘Bitcoin Network Fees’, in an credible drive to advance Bitcoin Cash use.

Do you anticipate BitPay is still the best Bitcoin and cryptocurrency acquittal processor? State your thoughts below. 

Images via Shutterstock, Twitter: @tomgrundy