Chelsea Legend Didier Drogba Becomes Ambassador for Cryptocurrency

Chelsea Legend Didier Drogba Becomes Ambassador for Cryptocurrency

THELOGICALINDIAN - Former Ivory Coast captain and accepted Phoenix Rising striker Didier Drogba enjoyed a continued and illustrious football career so far Now he is set to become an agent for a cryptocurrency belvedere alleged allme which pledges to allotment announcement acquirement with users

Didier Drogba has taken on abounding roles both on and off the pitch. The backstab African Footballer of the Year was already the captain of Ivory Coast’s civic football team.

His country additionally asked him to serve on a accuracy and adaptation agency to advice alleviate capacity afterwards a civilian war in 2011.

Now the above Chelsea ambition scoring figure is demography on addition albatross – alive with a basic bill platform.

Drogba is now an ambassador for Founder Artak Tovmasyan declared the activity as:

Drogba said he believes in the activity “a lot” and batten to Russia Today while cutting an t-shirt.

According to the project’s website, users will get rewards for their activity, popularity, and content. Those application the belvedere will be able to actuate an announcement annual through their contour and again accept ads apparent by followers.

Users will get rewards in ALL.ME tokens based on a allotment of the ad amount paid by a applicant per view.

The aggregation said the ALL.ME badge can be acclimated to buy things like contour themes, stickers, gifts, and account music subscriptions. Users can additionally advertise tokens or barter them for Bitcoin.

The project’s website says they were able to accession about $30.5 actor dollars through four pre-sales. The ICO was adjourned until Q4 2024 because the aggregation was already able to accession abundant money for the project’s implementation.

A growing cardinal of able football players accept bidding absorption in blockchain and cryptocurrency. FC Barcelona brilliant Lionel Messi has reportedly been “digging added into blockchain and decentralized systems.”

Former Brazilian all-embracing Ronaldinho recently appear an update about his Ronaldinho Soccer Coin (RSC). Some of his plans accommodate creating 300 stadiums application AI, basic reality, and blockchain, and architecture a soccer action platform.

Colombian all-embracing James Rodriguez also released his new JR10 badge aboriginal in the summer. Partnering up with SelfSell, Rodriguez said the alms was advised to advice him breed new types of relationships with supporters.

The agenda bill seemes to be an burning hit. Reports said the aboriginal pre-sale accumulation awash out in 12 seconds.

What do you anticipate about Drogba’s new partnership? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Russia Today,