CryptoPunks NFT

CryptoPunks NFT "Sells" for Over $500M

THELOGICALINDIAN - The recordbreaking auction may accept been an attack at attentionseeking

In a questionably ample sale, CryptoPunk #9998 has awash for added than $532M, according to the project’s sales feed.

CryptoPunks Token Sells for $500 Million

The CryptoPunks NFT awash for 124,457.07 ETH, an bulk account $532,414,877.01 at the time of sale.

Given the almighty ample transaction size, the crypto association is apperception on the attributes of the purchase. One apprehensive aspect is the actuality that the CryptoPunk was awash aback to the aboriginal abode that captivated it aural a amount of hours. This agency that the client and the aboriginal holder were best acceptable one and the same.

Some accept speculated that the funds for the acquirement could accept been acquired through a beam accommodation or a beam accommodation exploit. A accompanying accident took abode in February back a beam accommodation acclimated to buy a CryptoPunk was reversed, abrogation the aboriginal holder with aloof a atom of the final sales price.

However, in this case, the accommodation would accept been acclimated by the holder to accelerate the badge to themselves, not to abduct the token. A beam accommodation may accept helped to abstain transaction fees.

What Possible Motives Are There?

Given the abridgement of bright motives, it is accessible that the buyer is affective the NFT for their own amusement. “Just addition accepting some fun accepting attention, and boy did it work,” Twitter user Sola wrote.

Others accept appropriate added accurate motives. The aerial auction amount could accept been acclimated to aerate action metrics in the owner’s OpenSea storefront, and accomplishing so ability accord the buyer greater afterimage and allure added abeyant buyers.

Some accept appropriate that today’s transaction could be an attack at money laundering, admitting it is cryptic how able this action would be in preventing funds from actuality traced.

Regardless of the angary of the sale, it now holds a almanac for auction size. Until now, the better CryptoPunks auction complex jailbait #7523, which sold for $11.8 million at Sotheby’s this June.

Disclaimer: At the time of writing, the columnist of this allotment endemic beneath than $100 of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and altcoins.