Cubits disables credit card bitcoin buying feature due to fraud

Cubits disables credit card bitcoin buying feature due to fraud

THELOGICALINDIAN - Buying bitcoin with acclaim cards wasnt consistently accessible aloof a year or two ago it was actual difficult to acquirement bitcoin with a acclaim agenda because so abounding casework didnt acquire it

Times changed, and buying bitcoin with acclaim cards has become added accustomed and commonplace now amid abounding bitcoin barter and allowance services. However, acclaim agenda artifice is consistently a risk.

In a address appear earlier this year, it begin that 18% of the character artifice application U.S. acclaim cards, or $2.4 billion, was conducted alfresco the U.S. There was an boilerplate of $1,585 per incident. And with data breaches on the rise with above retailers beyond the world, your acclaim agenda abstracts is at aerial accident of actuality baseborn and acclimated fraudulently.

In the abatement of 2015, UK based bitcoin barter Cubits added acclaim cards as a acquittal adjustment to acquirement bitcoin. Cubits barter who use acclaim cards to buy bitcoin are subject to a circadian limit. For added security throughout the affairs process, Cubits employed 3DSecure to abstain actionable uses of acclaim cards by third persons. 3DSecure combines two-factor affidavit and countersign protection. Furthermore, barter who appetite to buy Bitcoin via acclaim agenda charge to be absolute by IDnow.

However, it appears alike admitting Cubits had added artifice apprehension and aegis methods, it wasn’t abundant to stop abyss from application baseborn acclaim agenda abstracts to buy bitcoin on the exchange.

In an email beatific to us by Cubits today, they issued the afterward statement:

Unfortunately, back the barter has been hit with a aerial akin of fraudulently activity, acclaim agenda affairs has been disabled temporarily. Instant purchases are still accessible to barter via added methods.

Cubits just added Skrill as an accustomed withdrawal allotment method for users affairs bitcoin, afterward the accession of abacus Skrill as a acquittal adjustment to buy bitcoin in April.