Developer Launches BCH-Powered Paywall Service

Developer Launches BCH-Powered Paywall Service

THELOGICALINDIAN - On Thursday software developer Alex Winter appear the barrage of Satoshiwallcash a noncustodial bitcoin cashpowered paywall account The new belvedere allows anyone to actualize a customized paywall that uses BCH for payments so bodies can monetize their assignment online

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If you are an ardent account clairvoyant there’s a acceptable adventitious you’ve run into a paywall that restricts you from accessing agreeable unless you pay or assurance up for a subscription. Paywalls accept been acclimated on the internet for absolutely some time, but it wasn’t until 2010 that a ample cardinal of accepted online newspapers started application the paywall system. On November 21, programmer Alex Winter alien a new belvedere that lets anyone actualize a paywall that pays out in bitcoin banknote (BCH).

Developer Launches BCH-Powered Paywall Service

“I’m captivated to assuredly absolution, the aboriginal absolutely non-custodial bitcoin paywall — Monetize anything,” Winter tweeted. He showed a baby affirmation video of the aboriginal BCH paywall Winter created for the advertisement alleged “Hello world.” In adjustment to admission Winter’s paywall, you charge to pay 0.00500000 BCH, or 500,000 satoshis, to alleviate the content. is additionally account-less, which agency there are no registrations, no logins, no deplatforming, and no KYC. The appliance works with any BCH wallet but the website recommends application Electron Cash or Badger wallet. A wallet is bare so you can accomplish an abode for accepting payments with If you appetite to use the platform, artlessly columnist the “Create a paywall now” button to get started. In adjustment to appearance our readers how to use, I created a new paywall alleged “ Test Paywall.” I again affected and pasted a book from Satoshi’s Bitcoin whitepaper and additionally larboard a hyperlink to the certificate in the anatomy of my message. After appointment all of my customizations, the website said:

Monetizing Content With a Paywall Coupled With a Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System

The action alone took a brace of account and the website anon provides you with the paywall’s link so it can be aggregate on the web. I set my analysis paywall for 2,000 satoshis; the everyman that can be set is 1,000 satoshis. According to, the account additionally takes “10% of the amount or at atomic 1,000 satoshis.” Press “Copy link” at the basal larboard bend of the awning and the BCH-powered paywall articulation will be affected to your device’s clipboard.

If you are a bit added abstruse and appetite to use’s appliance programming interface (API) you can admission the Satoshiwall API. This way, instead of aloof administration a articulation on Reddit or Twitter, you can add the paywall to an absolute website. Anyone can additionally browse the account of Satoshiwall paywalls recently created by the platform’s users. On Reddit, Winter’s new BCH paywall belvedere was well received by ardent BCH supporters who common the forum. “Please let me apperceive about any issues you’re having,” Winter told associates of the association on the r/btc subreddit. On Twitter, associates of the BCH association gave Winter acknowledgment as able-bodied and the software developer responded to the antecedent assessments of the Satoshiwall platform.

What do you anticipate about the new BCH-powered paywall belvedere Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this appliance in the comments area below.

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