Disrupting Video-On-Demand Streaming with Blockchain

Disrupting Video-On-Demand Streaming with Blockchain

THELOGICALINDIAN - The ball industry has been abundantly impacted by adaptable technologies such as 3G 4G and video alive on appeal Companies like Netflix Twitch HBO and Amazon Prime advantage the ability of the Internet to accommodate bigger examination adventures to boilerplate consumers at the all-around calibration As peoples absorption in video ball switches to smartphones and tablets cable TV is accident ground

A new technology has risen aloft the blow to agitate on-demand video alive as well. With its adeptness to apparatus “smart contract” systems to affluence transactions, accommodate bigger transparency, and advance processes, blockchain technology enters the date with administration and agreeable accumulator capabilities that go above what Netflix currently provides.

Video-On-Demand Powered by Blockchain

Slate Ball Group (SEG) is set up by Binge Media to advance decentralized belvedere SLATE powered by the SLX account token. The blockchain-based VOD (video on demand) account will be an ball account agreement that adheres to a multi-layer network: BVOD (blockchain video-on-demand), the cyberbanking ticketing app Slatix, and the SLX account badge to accredit admission to exceptional entertainment. At the amount of SLATE lies an immutable, broadcast balance meant to ensure accurate acquittal systems, seamless transactions, and structured incentives.

Slate’s SLX badge aims to agitate the ball abridgement and become a accepted agenda bill acclimated by all belvedere users.  With blockchain at its core, the decentralized ecosystem will bear high-definition, fast, and affordable media admission to consumers worldwide. For account providers and agreeable creators, the badge can be acclimated to accommodate admission to absolute ball casework on the Slate platform.

Binge aims to advantage broadcast balance technology to become the aboriginal bartering belvedere for conveniently-priced, scalable video-on-demand alive services. Slate badge holders will be absolute users of the belvedere with abounding admission to a tokenized ticketing system, industry-leading accessible analytics, complete all-around access, and more.

Slate’s absolute ticketing system, SLATIX, is the decentralized band-aid advised to anticipate counterfeit admission sales, carve end-user fees, and become a reliable acquittal aqueduct of Slate for antic events, movies, amphitheater performances, and concert venues. Considering that blockchain technology promises to track, store, share, and verify user information, purchased tickets with SLX tokens are instantly communicable but absurd to fake. The acceptance of Slate’s SLX account badge is bigger accent in the video below:

To acceleration up the accumulation acceptance of the SLX badge and accession acquaintance about its abeyant to agitate the ball industry, Slate abounding this year’s Cannes Film Festival, area it acquired full rights to video beck the accessible crypto documentary “Beyond Bitcoin” via its BVOD platform, Binge. Watch the abbreviate brain-teaser bivouac below:

During Cannes, SEG formed a solid affiliation with Spanish blur anniversary SIFF. For the aboriginal time, a centralized alignment in the blur industry will accommodate cryptocurrency as an another acquittal adjustment for accepting tickets.

Hong Kong-based HitBTC, one of the top 10 cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, will be advertisement SLATE (SLX) currency.  HitBTC will host SLX with trading pairs adjoin Bitcoin (BTC) and Tether (USDT). SEG is abnormally admiring to advertise the acceding during the presale as it assures buyers that they will be able to barter SLX on the accessible market.

HitBTC to account Slate (SLX)

The aggregation abaft Slate managed to accession $20 actor in aloof one day afterward the pre-sale date. For a bound bulk of time, those absorbed in contributing and purchasing SLX tokens will account from a cogent abatement of up to 45 percent off the accessible auction price. An added 4 percent benefit was accessible for those that accept to participate afore May 31. The pre-sale ends June 9 !

What are your thoughts on Slate’s VOD platform? How can blockchain account video-on-demand streaming? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of Slate Entertainment Group, DepositPhotos