Do Kwon Interview Explains He's 'Devastated' by LUNA Collapse, Says 'There's a Difference Between Failing and Fraud'

Do Kwon Interview Explains He's 'Devastated' by LUNA Collapse, Says 'There's a Difference Between Failing and Fraud'

THELOGICALINDIAN - During a contempo account with the Wall Street Journal WSJ Terraform Labs TFL architect Do Kwon said he was devastated by the LUNA and UST abortion that took abode in midMay He told the WSJ that he was apparently a billionaire back LUNA broke an alltime aerial afore the collapse but absent a abundant allocation of his net account afterward the after-effects

Do Kwon Speaks About the Terra LUNA Collapse

Do Kwon has afresh discussed the LUNA and UST fallout during an account with the WSJ contributors Alexander Osipovich and Jiyoung Sohn. The account was appear on June 22, and its the aboriginal account Kwon has done back the Terra collapse. Kwon told the reporters that he absent best of his abundance afterwards the blast but that doesn’t bother him that much. “This doesn’t bother me,” Kwon told the reporters. “I alive a adequately frugal life,” the Terra co-founder said.

Kwon, however, said he was apologetic about the losses investors took from the fallout. “I’ve been devastated by contempo contest and achievement that all the families who’ve been impacted are demography affliction of themselves and those that they love,” Kwon declared in the interview. He additionally discussed his aplomb that abounding alleged cocky, and acclaimed that it was because he was a big accepter in the Terra ecosystem. Kwon said:

Kwon Has ‘Great Confidence’ in the Terra’s ‘Ability to Build Back Even Stronger’

Furthermore, Kwon discussed the new Terra blockchain and LUNA 2.0 which is bottomward 90% from the $18.87 per assemblage best aerial and now trades for $1.88. LUNA 2.0 has a bazaar assets of about $238 actor on June 23 and the badge has absent 2.6% during the accomplished 24 hours. Kwon believes the awakening will be able and thinks that LUNA 2.0 could anytime beat the LUNA archetypal (LUNC) chain.

“I accept abundant aplomb in our adeptness to body aback alike stronger than we already were,” Kwon told The WSJ reporters. Kwon’s WSJ account follows the letters that said the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was investigating Terraform Labs and the UST collapse. Moreover, a bigmouth alleged Fatman has accused Kwon of accepting massive amounts of LUNA in claimed wallets.

Fatman has additionally accused Kwon of cashing out $2.7 billion in funds afore the activity burst but the Terra co-founder denies that he cashed out and he said the allegations were false. Kwon and Terraform Labs are additionally actuality sued in a class-action lawsuit that claims the co-founder and aggregation addled investors. Additionally, official records announce that Do Kwon attenuated Terraform Labs Korea afore the LUNA and UST collapse. Three associates of Terraform Labs’ centralized acknowledged aggregation left the company amidst the altercation as well.

What do you anticipate about Do Kwon’s account with the WSJ? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

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