Ethereum Web3 Wallet Rainbow Raises $18 Million From Alexis Ohanian’s Seven Seven Six

Ethereum Web3 Wallet Rainbow Raises $18 Million From Alexis Ohanian’s Seven Seven Six

THELOGICALINDIAN - The aggregation abaft the Ethereum wallet Rainbow appear the activity has aloft 18 actor in a Series A allotment annular led by Alexis Ohanians adventure basic close Seven Seven Six The new costs that follows the startups 15 actor berry annular will acquiesce Rainbow to focus on onboarding the abutting 100 actor users to Web3

Ethereum-Based Rainbow Wallet Raises $18 Million

Rainbow, a non-custodial Ethereum (ETH) wallet that’s accessible for iOS and Android accessories has appear the aggregation has aloft $18 actor in a Series A advance round. The advertisement addendum that the costs was led by Alexis Ohanian’s adventure basic close Seven Seven Six. Ohanian’s Seven Seven Six has been giving a lot of absorption to blockchain and Web3 startups during the aftermost year.

In mid-December 2021, Seven Seven Six and Polygon announced a $200 actor armamentarium committed to advancing Web3 amusing media. The tech administrator Alexis Ohanian is able-bodied accepted for co-founding the amusing media and account accession web aperture Reddit with Steve Huffman and Aaron Swartz. The aforementioned ages Seven Seven Six and Polygon started the Web3 amusing media fund, Ohanian invested in a non-fungible badge (NFT) activity alleged Heir Inc., a belvedere that aims to affix loyal admirers with accepted athletes.

The advance into the Ethereum-based wallet Rainbow follows the wallet project’s $1.5 actor berry round, which brings Rainbow’s absolute fundraising to $19.5 million. According to Rainbow, the startup has assassin 20 new advisers and the aggregation is focused on bolstering Web3 adoption. The Rainbow wallet allows users to authority and affectation NFTs and Ethereum-based tokens, while additionally acceptance users to affix to decentralized applications (dapps).

“Many crypto users, myself included, attention Rainbow as the best-designed wallet,” Alexis Ohanian, the architect of the adventure basic close Seven Seven Six said in a account beatific to News. “The aptitude of their team, their access to design, and the advancement of their users position them as leaders in the crypto wallet space. User acquaintance affairs so abundant — Rainbow architecture choices are the acumen they’ve already congenital a band afterward and abide to brainwash and onboard array of new users to Web3.”

A Slew of Web3 Wallet Competitors in 2022, Rainbow Wallet Team Plans to Launch Swap Aggregator, Desktop Browser Extension

Rainbow’s fundraise comes at a time back there is endless of antagonism in the Web3 wallet space, and Metamask currently leads the pack. In August 2021, Metamask broke records with 10 actor account alive users and in time Metamask will collaborate with the Ethereum-based wallet Mycrypto. In accession to Metamask, Rainbow faces antagonism from wallets like Trust Wallet, Argent, Coinbase Wallet, Coinomi, Guarda Wallet, and Wallet.

In 2022, Rainbow affairs to acquaint new appearance which accommodate a “Swap Aggregator” application. Furthermore, Rainbow users will be able to advantage “Ethereum Profiles” by utilizing the Ethereum Name Service (ENS). Rainbow’s aggregation additionally acclaimed that it affairs to barrage a apparatus kit in the approaching and the aggregation is in the bosom of crafting a desktop browser extension.

”There’s still a lot of accidental complication in the Web3 user experience,” Christian Baroni, Rainbow’s CEO and co-founder remarked during the announcement. “Rainbow’s been focused on chipping abroad at that, simplifying area it’s accessible to and educating area it’s not,” the co-founder added.

What do you anticipate about the Ethereum-based wallet Rainbow adopting $18 actor from Alexis Ohanian’s adventure basic close Seven Seven Six? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

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