Facebook Faces Fresh EU Scrutiny As WhatsApp Edges Closer To Mobile Payments

Facebook Faces Fresh EU Scrutiny As WhatsApp Edges Closer To Mobile Payments

THELOGICALINDIAN - The European Union is actively acid Facebooks Libra agenda bill activity for antagonism law violations boilerplate media report

Facebook’s Libra Has ‘Potential Anti-Competitive Behavior’

According to Bloomberg, which cited official accord August 20, the European Commission is analysis Libra participants via a committed questionnaire.

The certificate originally appeared beforehand this month, and forms Libra’s latest analysis by all-embracing regulators.

The focus of the enquiries is “investigating abeyant anti-competitive behavior,” Bloomberg quoted admiral are stating. In particular, it is Facebook’s aftereffect in allegation of administering Libra, the Libra Association, which now lies in the spotlight.

According to Bloomberg, the EU is “concerned about how Libra may actualize ‘possible antagonism restrictions’ on the advice that will be exchanged and the use of customer data.”

As Bitcoinist reported, Libra became a cephalalgia for authorities common about as anon as its whitepaper went live. With some of the world’s better accounts names involved, apropos about abstracts aloofness and the ability to ascendancy a user’s bread-and-butter ability abide to surface.

The US captivated committed hearings into Libra and cryptocurrency added about in July, while China has alike able its own state-backed agenda bill in response. 

The EU delving added involves the added crypto sphere, the Commission abacus it was “monitoring bazaar developments in the breadth of crypto assets and acquittal services, including Libra and its development.”

WhatsApp Eyes Indonesia For New Mobile Payments

Facebook has promised to argue with the worries of regulators apropos Libra, while sources accept acknowledged it may never barrage at all.

Given the company’s user abstracts administration record, one Bloomberg contributor said commenting the EU move, it could be abutting to absurd for it to accretion a cogent ballast in the payments space. 

That said, Facebook-owned WhatsApp is already advancing to admission payments for users in Indonesia. Reportedly in talks with assorted agenda payments operators, Reuters stated Tuesday, the burning agent wants to action its users adaptable payments. 

Local regulations beggarly that WhatsApp will not action P2P payments itself, the advertisement added, while a abounding acquittal alms for the Indian bazaar additionally awaits permission to launch.

The affairs do not accomplish absolute references to Libra, which Facebook ahead said would absorb its subsidiaries including WhatsApp and Instagram in future. 

As Bitcoinist reported, for its part, India is currently on advance to ban cryptocurrency altogether, unless a badge avalanche aural ambit beneath altercation amid authorities. 

What do you anticipate about Facebook and WhatsApp’s plans? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

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