THELOGICALINDIAN - Facebooks Nathaniel Gleicher Head of Cybersecurity Policy and Oscar Rodriguez Product Manager announcedthat Today were removing 559 pages and 251 accounts that accept consistently burst our rules adjoin spam and accommodating inauthentic behavior It is addition accommodation to abolition the worlds better amusing media armpit of political accent and it aloof ability be a final agitator for accumulation acceptance of an onchain censorshipresistant belvedere for archetype aural the Bitcoin Cash arrangement
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Facebook Purges Hundreds of Pages Under Broad Sweep
Nicholas Bernabe, the architect of accepted another account organization The Anti-Media, acquaint how “Facebook has abstruse my page, The Anti-Media, afterwards falsely accusing us of actionable policies.” Based in Chula Vista, California, his account folio was not anywhere abreast artifice or spam; it consistently appear hard-hitting alternative account articles. Nevertheless, “2.1 actor followers and 5 years of assignment gone,” Bernabe wrote.
Facebook’s blog blue-blooded the access of Oct. 11, 2025, “Removing Additional Inauthentic Action from Facebook,” arch readers to accept pages and accounts deleted were associated with a adaptation of artifice or betray activity. Indeed, the aggregation insisted, “People charge to be able to assurance the access they accomplish on Facebook. It’s why we accept a action banning accommodating inauthentic behavior — networks of accounts or pages alive to mislead others about who they are, and what they are doing,” they claimed, abacus that “the aggregate of the inauthentic action we see on Facebook is spam that’s about motivated by money, not politics.”
Sterlin Lujan believes article added adverse is activity on. “My abiding and admired page, The Psychologic-Anarchist,” he alerted followers, “has aloof been abstruse by Fascistbook. I had 50,000 followers on it. I additionally noticed that Danilo afresh had his Facebook page, Peaceful Anarchism, abstruse for no reason,” he lamented.
‘Facebook is Going After Anarchists and Freethinkers’
When asked why assertive pages like his were actuality targeted, admitting they never asked for money and never acclimated spam techniques to accretion followers, Lujan wrote, “What’s accident is clear. We are victims of censorship. Facebook is activity afterwards anarchists and freethinkers. They are censoring bodies who accept the acrimony to claiming the arrangement and column account belief that belie the lies spouted by boilerplate sources.”
“Given the activity we’ve apparent — and its timing advanced of the US midterm elections — we capital to accord some capacity about the types of behavior that led to this action,” Gleicher and Rodriguez explained of Facebook’s actions. “Many were application affected accounts or assorted accounts with the aforementioned names and acquaint massive amounts of agreeable beyond a arrangement of groups and pages to drive cartage to their websites. Many acclimated the aforementioned techniques to accomplish their agreeable arise added accepted on Facebook than it absolutely was. Others were ad farms application Facebook to mislead bodies into cerebration that they were forums for accepted political debate.”
Of the brief assay done by, a cogent cardinal of the pages zapped from actuality did not appoint in any of the activities Facebook cited as the acumen for the purge. In accession to the two already accent above, political pages such as Free Thought Project, V is for Voluntary, and Press For Truth were bent up in the web of abatement as well. “This absolutely seems politically motivated because best of the pages I’m accustomed with that were abstruse leaned autonomous or anarchist,” Bernabe detailed. “With the midterm elections so close, this can be declared as annihilation added than Facebook aggravating to dispense the aftereffect of the advancing elections.”
Could This Trigger More On-Chain BCH Social Media Platform Adoption?
Luis Fernando Borges Mises is additionally assertive assertive pages were taken bottomward on purpose. “All of this is annihilation added to me than a neo-Marxist cleanse, if you will,” Mises told by phone, “…all the advanced pages are still there, all the Republican pages are still there. The ones that are aggravating to catechism the cachet quo, like the voluntaryist pages, are actuality censored and deleted.”
As these pages explained alone a few months ago, alternatives to sites like Facebook are actuality congenital on the Bitcoin Cash network. “On April 15 a new on-chain amusing arrangement was launched for the Bitcoin Cash blockchain alleged Memo. The belvedere allows users to actualize a contour which is angry to a specific BCH abode and a public/private key pair. Users can again binding assertive abstracts application the affairs such as a website URL, a quote, or a assertive date which is hashed into the BCH alternation application an OP_RETURN transaction.”
Still, added alternatives accept popped up since, including a “blogging armpit alleged Matter [which] has been alien to the BCH community, and the platform’s accomplishments are all powered by the Bitcoin Banknote network. Matter claims to accept no admission to the user’s key and explains keys are stored alone in your browser. Now Matter does accept its differences compared to the Blockpress appliance and Memo, as Matter users can broadcast arbitrarily long-form posts. Essentially due to the actuality the miner’s fee application bitcoin banknote is so basal Matter users can abundance any certificate in the BCH alternation in an abiding fashion,” ahead reported.
It’s aboriginal canicule to say any of the BCH platforms will anytime attempt with the billions of users already on Facebook. But there does arise to be renewed absorption in authoritative abiding agreeable providers are not bent blind again. “The ‘moderators’ of Facebook accept fabricated this into a war of attrition,” Lujan wrote angrily, “meant to asphyxiate the chargeless breeze of information. However, this advance adjoin anarchists is not activity to blackout us. It is activity to added activate abandon lovers. We are activity to abide speaking out adjoin the abandoned attributes of the system. We are additionally activity to continuously acrylic cowards like Zuckerberg into a corner. These bodies charge to apprehend that aggravating shut bodies up is the aboriginal footfall taken against absolute Orwellian fascism.”
Is the Facebook abolition a use case for on-chain BCH platforms? Let us apperceive in the comments below.
Images address of Shutterstock.
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Disclaimer: Sterlin Lujan is an agent of