Facebook’s Slipping Grip on the Social Media Market?

Facebook’s Slipping Grip on the Social Media Market?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Social media platforms like Youtube and Facebook accept appear beneath blaze due to a array of problems However acceptable consumers accept begin it adamantine to move to new platforms due to the abridgement of array and advantageous antagonism in the industry

Over the accomplished week, Facebook has amorphous accident some of its afterlife anchor over the amusing media industry. The Cambridge Analytica abstracts aspersion afflicted over 50 actor Facebook users from all beyond the apple and acquired the Facebook banal amount to bead by over 10%, consistent in an about $50 Billion bead in bazaar valuation. 

Rightfully, abounding Facebook users appear their abhorrence for Facebook’s absolution of customer data. Some users alike apprenticed to annul their Facebook accounts in an attack to get animus on the aggregation that appear their abstracts in such an amateurish manner.  Although it is currently cryptic what aftereffect the abstracts aspersion had on the Facebook user base, it would be safe to say that customer assurance in Facebook has hit best lows. 

Facebook Banning ICO Ads a Good Thing for Crypto

Additionally, with contempo scandals involving Youtubers and advertisers alike, abounding creators on the Youtube belvedere accept begin it adamantine to advance a abiding active assets while alive on the platform.

This has resulted in abounding Youtube creators accepting to seek added ventures in adjustment to accomplish money to advance their active standards. 

Along with these problems comes addition affair that hits abutting to home for the cryptocurrency community. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter accept banned all ads apropos to cryptocurrencies – ICOs in accurate – in an attack to ambit themselves from acknowledged liability.

This censorship forth with added scandals involving ample amusing media companies today has created an ambiance area users are actively attractive for new amusing media alternatives.

However, in a apple so bedeviled by key players today, these users and creators akin accept not begin abounding places to about-face to.

But What Social Media Alternatives Are There?

Newly founded amusing media options, Steemit and DTube, both action the address of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology forth with a new way in which creators and users can collaborate with amusing platforms.

Steemit uses an upvote arrangement forth with their aboveboard cryptocurrency, Steem, to pay creators. For example, if there was a column that you liked, whether it be a video, account or text, you can use the Steem which you accept and accord it to the architect by artlessly upvoting the post.

However, like added amusing media platforms, Steem has struggled with problems such as vote bribery and bots which pushes posts artificially to the advanced pages of the platform. An underground bazaar has formed with awful users with ambiguous motives application bots to addition their pages in an bogus manner. 

However, Steem is still in its beta appearance and hopes to fix all of the problems apparent in the accomplishments on release. 

Like Reddit, Steem has a arrangement of subreddits for a all-inclusive arrangement of topics. Consumers accept best up on the address of this platform, with abounding users creating a career of their own on the belvedere with some accepted posts breeding hundreds of dollars account of Steem for creators.

The Steem Whitepaper states:

Steem has, well, best up a lot of beef recently, breeding over 1 million user registrations over the advance of its abbreviate 2-year history. As well, Steem currently casework over 50,000 users every day. This cardinal may assume nominal in allegory to the calibration of amusing media today but, because the abbreviate history of the site, it has been accustomed as absolutely an accomplishment.

Steemit allows for a new beachcomber of agreeable creators who ahead faced obstacles preventing them from monetizing their content. Anyone, no amount what accomplishments they appear from, can accept admission to the belvedere and can get paid for the agreeable they upload.

Another abundant addition to archetypal amusing media platforms is DTube. DTube is addition blockchain based SM belvedere which hopes to breach arena on the authority Youtube has congenital up. Dtube is absolutely based on the Steemit belvedere and uses the Steem blockchain as a adjustment of autumn advice and as a way to anxiously run the platform. 

Visually, DTube looks actual agnate to YouTube. However, you may apprehension is that instead of appearance counts displayed beneath video thumbnails that dollar amounts are displayed.

This is what makes this agreeable administration belvedere so innovative, and allows for it to be confusing in the accepted amusing media landscape. Like Steemit, users alone charge to pay for agreeable which they acquisition ambrosial and can acclimatize how abundant they appetite to accord to the creator. This armament DTube creators to up their agreeable affection in an attack to accretion the address of those watching the videos. Dtube has always accurate itself to be an up and advancing adversary to acceptable video alive sites.

Dan Novaes, the CEO of Current, a anew founded blockchain based video alive account says:

These new blockchain based platforms accept always accurate themselves to be accessible contenders in the amusing media game. However, abounding of these platforms are still in their beta phases and accept yet to see wide-scale adoption. Despite this, it does not booty abroad from the actuality that these sites are set to become able players in the amusing media industry.

Do you anticipate that these platforms will be able to agitate the big bazaar players apparent today? Tell us in the comments below!

Images address of Pixabay, Shutterstock