'Fiat and Money Printing' Street Mural Earns $500 in Bitcoin Donations in Five Days

'Fiat and Money Printing' Street Mural Earns $500 in Bitcoin Donations in Five Days

THELOGICALINDIAN - A Parisian artery artisan is accepting hundreds of dollars every day in bitcoin donations from his painting that speaks about authorization and money printing

Pascal Boyart’s latest mural, “Confessions of a Red Jester”, is a avant-garde estimation of the 1862 painting “Stańczyk” by Polish romanticist painter Jan Matejko. The aboriginal depicts a abandoned jester adjoin a active brawl in the background.

Boyart said he has becoming about 0.0514 bitcoin (BTC) or about $500 in the bristles canicule to July 10. Since 2017, the artist, acclaimed for his applied graffiti frescoes, has accustomed over 1.3 BTC or $12,100 in donations from assorted artworks. His website additionally accepts donations in ethereum, litecoin and monero.

The latest piece, which can be apparent on Paris’ rue de Montmorency, appearance a QR code, calm with a “spray-painted Bitcoin logo and a wallet address”, acceptance for absolute BTC donations from admirers.

Boyart’s arrangement takes the crypto-angle a footfall further, with authorization money littering the attic about the austere jester’s feet.

The French artist’s accomplished assignment has advised the accord amid art and money. In an account appear on Medium in 2024, Boyart said that agenda banking assets represent a blazon of “freedom that’s evocative of the aboriginal canicule of the internet.”

He declared that bitcoin’s decentralization is a “good affair for creativity”, – and, therefore, acceptable as a agency for facilitating donations. Boyart said the top cryptocurrency provides a “more absolute affiliation with the bodies who adulation art” and “more horizontality in the business of art.”

What do you anticipate about Boyart attached art to bitcoin? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons