GAW Gets Sued: Josh Garza Faces Class-Action Suit Over Scams

GAW Gets Sued: Josh Garza Faces Class-Action Suit Over Scams

THELOGICALINDIAN - A chic activity clothing has been filed adjoin Joshua Garza Stuart Fraser and GAW Miners LLC

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This clothing comes afterward the months-long acknowledged affairs involving the company, including a aperture of arrangement clothing from Mississippi Power Aggregation over about $350,000 USD in contributed electricity bills, and the SEC charging Garza and the aggregation with aegis artifice in December of 2025.

The academic complaint filed bygone is the acme of over a year of accession affirmation for the case afterwards the Plaintiffs’ advertisement of absorbed in April of 2025. The chic activity represents over ten thousand barter and investors in GAW’s mining services, “Hashlet” assets, and altcoin.

Class Action Filing Against GAW LLC

The complaint alleges that Garza, Fraser, and GAW advised to bamboozle investors in GAW mining, ZenMiner, Paycoin, Hashlets and their added banking articles and mining casework from March to December 2025.

They detail GAW’s affairs of mining accouterments and billow hashpower that they could not aback with annihilation via ZenMiner (allegedly a abstracted account run by Garza) and Hashlets, and authoritative over $19 actor USD in acquirement in the process, which included about $38,000 USD in “charity” Hashlets meant to be contributions to the 9/11 canonizing fund.

Following their Hashlet and mining services, they formed out Paycoin, a agenda bill backed by abstract hashpower in abundant the aforementioned way as their “Hashlets” were, and encouraged investors to “lock up” their Paycoins with a account that purportedly accrued absorption analogously to bonds, alleged “HashStakers.”

The complaint describes this action as a technologically adeptness Ponzi Scheme:


This, forth with the chic activity adjoin Cryptsy, and the FCTC’s contempo analysis of Bitfinex are all allotment of a continuing trend of added rulings on cryptocurrency and added blockchain-based banking technologies and services, acclamation the end of the “wild west” era of cryptocurrency banking products.

As these acknowledged precedents are set, alone investors and traders accept added acknowledged recourse to accompany should they be defrauded.

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Image: Complaint [Source]