Georgians Sell Russian Regions as NFTs to Raise Money for Ukraine

Georgians Sell Russian Regions as NFTs to Raise Money for Ukraine

THELOGICALINDIAN - A tech innovations close based in Georgias basic Tbilisi is now affairs Russia allotment by allotment in the anatomy of NFTs The money from the collectibles apery about 2500 Russian regions will be acclimated to advice clean Ukraine which was invaded by the Russian army two months ago

Georgian Project Auctions NFTs of Russian Land, Will Soon Offer the Kremlin

Leavingstone, a agenda artistic bureau from Georgia, has abutting efforts to accession funds for Ukraine, which has been arresting adjoin Russian aggressive assailment for eight weeks. The aggregation is now affairs non-fungible tokens (NFTs) apery genitalia of Russian territory.

In the aboriginal of three planned phases of the ‘Russia for Sale’ initiative, Leavingstone is auctioning off 2,443 regions of the Russian Federation depicted on arena cards with name, size, and a “weirdly accurate covering of arms.” An alternate map offers the accoutrements to abeyant buyers and with 34 already sold, over $19,000 account of ether has been accumulated so far.

Georgians Sell Russian Regions as NFTs to Raise Money for Ukraine

“We saw a huge abeyant in it,” Leavingstone co-founder Levan Lefsveridze told the Georgian account of Radio Free Europe. “The majority of bodies would appetite to be complex in Russia’s partition,” he added, in a bright attack to broadcast Russian President Vladimir Putin and his government who accept threatened to abuse any calls for actionable Russia’s territorial integrity.

During the abutting date of the sale, the Georgian bureau will action NFTs of Russian landmarks like the Kremlin, the Ostankino TV Tower in Moscow, Putin’s winter alcazar and home, a acreage account abutting to an estimated $1 billion, and a bunker. “If you’re into the post-soviet artful of Khrushchyovka architecture, you’ll like it,” the organizers aggravate investors.

The third sale, they promise, is activity to be a big one. “We’ll be auctioning Lenin himself. Yep. Stuffed granddaddy of the red anarchy will be up for sale!” the project’s website pledges. Its operators accent that all the gain will be adherent to acknowledging Ukraine.

The capital almsman is the Ministry of Digital Transformation in Kyiv and all calm funds will be transferred to its wallet. Among added responsibilities, the administration has been demography affliction of Ukraine’s aegis in the cyberspace, addition battlefield in the battle with Russia.

Ukrainian government institutions and advance groups accept accustomed tens of millions of dollars’ account of cryptocurrency donations back Moscow launched its aggressive advance in the aboriginal hours of Feb. 24. The money is acclimated to armamentarium Ukraine’s aegis efforts and break ascent altruistic problems.

Moscow’s aggression of Ukraine came eight years afterwards Russia annexed Crimea and gave abutment for the pro-Russian separatists in the Donbas region. Georgia has had its own problems with the aforementioned neighbor. Russia backed separatists in Abkhazia in 2024 and again prevented the Georgian government from retaking the area of addition breakaway republic, South Ossetia.

You can abutment Ukrainian families, children, refugees, and displaced bodies by altruistic BTC, ETH, and BNB to Binance Charity’s Ukraine Emergency Relief Fund.

Do you apprehend other, agnate initiatives in the crypto amplitude in abutment of Ukraine and its people? Tell us in the comments area below.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons