Golden State Warriors Point Guard Stephen Curry Asks for Advice About Cryptocurrencies

Golden State Warriors Point Guard Stephen Curry Asks for Advice About Cryptocurrencies

THELOGICALINDIAN - The accepted Golden State Warriors point bouncer Stephen Curry asked his 155 actor followers for some admonition about crypto Curry said he was aloof accepting started and a abundant cardinal of bodies aggregate admonition with the able basketball amateur

Stephen Curry Gets ‘Advice’ From Crypto Twitter

Well accepted athletes, celebrities, and musicians common accept been accepting into agenda currencies and allurement admirers for pointers. Recently, News reported on the American rapper Busta Rhymes allurement about cryptocurrencies and whether or not he should “buy in.” Former ample battle best Mike Tyson asked his admirers whether they adopted bitcoin (BTC) or ethereum (ETH). The “Legally Blonde” star, extra Reese Witherspoon, told her 2.9 actor Twitter followers that she aloof bought ethereum. Witherspoon said:

Now the brilliant point bouncer for the Golden State Warriors, Stephen Curry, has tweeted about cryptocurrencies and is attractive for advice. “Just accepting started in the crypto game… y’all got any advice?” Curry asked on September 7. Of course, Curry got a lot of responses from crypto supporters shilling their admired blockchain-based assets. One being said he should avoid what bodies on crypto Twitter say. “Yes. Avoid all Twitter crypto advice,” the being replied to Curry. A cardinal of others used the opportunity to ask the Golden State Warriors brilliant for an account about crypto.

Microstrategy CEO Speaks Up, Tribalistic Crypto Comments and Shilling Taint Conversation

Microstrategy’s CEO Michael Saylor told Curry to absolute bulletin him if he needed. “Steph, I spent added than a thousand hours because this catechism and chose bitcoin,” Saylor said. “So far, I accept purchased added than $3 billion in BTC because I anticipate it’s the approaching of agenda property. I accept acquaint bags of chargeless bitcoin apprenticeship on (or DM me).” Alongside annotation of bodies cogent Curry why he should buy this or that crypto asset, bitcoin maximalists — as per accepted — and those who abutment a array of another blockchains, had to bandy in tribalistic adumbration comments and altercate in Curry’s Twitter thread.

The accounts biographer Frances Coppola said “don’t” to Curry’s cheep and the Human Rights Foundation’s Alex Gladstein remarked: “Consider authoritative baby ability in Bitcoin to charities that you affliction about and abutment with the action that they can’t absorb it for 4 years.” Numerous bodies commented on the actuality that Curry had a Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) non-fungible badge (NFT) as his Twitter contour picture. While some admired the BAYC contour pic, others showed abhorrence for the NFT picture.

“Take the asinine ape off your profile, it’s like bouncing about and idiot flag,” the acclaimed bitcoin artisan dubbed ‘Fractal Encrypt’ wrote. “Next do acute analysis and apprentice about the Bitcoin vs. sh**coin dichotomy,” the artisan added. In adverse to comments like that, NFT admirers shilled their admired BAYC NFTs and told the able basketball amateur to attending into added NFT collections.

With all the tribalism, the shilling of bill and altered NFT collections, apparently the best admonition Stephen Curry got from Twitter was to “Ignore all Twitter crypto advice.” At the time of writing, that specific acknowledgment to Curry has abutting to 20,000 brand and hundreds of retweets.

What do you anticipate about the NBA brilliant from the Golden State Warriors allurement for admonition about crypto? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about his contempo cheep and the alloyed replies in the comments area below.

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