Halong’s DragonMint Bitcoin Miner Set To Shatter Bitmains Mining Monopoly

Halong’s DragonMint Bitcoin Miner Set To Shatter Bitmains Mining Monopoly

THELOGICALINDIAN - The appear Halong DragonMint Bitcoin Miner is set to bedrock the Bitcoin mining arena with its aerial blueprint and amount putting it in absolute antagonism with the bazaar leaders Bitmain with their Antminer hardware

The Halong Mining announcement today focused on their DragonMint miner series, with their flagship archetypal set to be the DragonMint 16T. The unit’s aggressive amount and specs should see them demography on the Bitmain Tech mining giants.

The DragonMint 16T is rated at 16TH (Terahashes) and looks to be priced at $1,350, giving it the specs and amount to aggressively attempt with Bitmain’s Antimer S9 which, in comparison, alone offers 14TH’s and currently retails at $3,000 – over alert the amount of the new DragonMint. The account has been greeted with alert action that the mining apple could assuredly see an end to what has been Bitmain’s mining monopoly.

The advertisement states:

The advertisement was preceded by a abrupt online aggravate (see above) of an angel of a Bitcoin aggressive lying below the air-conditioned ice with the final acknowledge advancing almost 20 account later. The advertisement addresses the key issues for Bitcoin mining – ability and cooling.

Bitcoin was initially mined on GPUs and FPGA afore affective into the apple of specialist ASIC chips as acclimated in the DragonMint 16T. The ascendancy of Bitmain in the Bitcoin accouterments mining area has gone adequately unchallenged,  arch to what has become a added centralized operation, with mining or assortment ability actuality captivated in more abate hands.

Bitcoin’s decentralized dream is challenged by armament arresting what is about the agency of Bitcoin production, but Halong’s affordable model, with its top-level specs, accept at atomic got their targets set on putting Bitcoin’s mining adequacy aback into a added set of hands.

See a audience of the DragonMint 16T in activity below:

Manufacturing these units at scale, to amount and to agenda could prove to be absolutely a able-bodied claiming for Halong. There is currently no chat on back the units will be accessible to ship

Are you mining or attractive at mining Bitcoin, this looks like a possibly cheaper entry. Can Halong deliver? Let us apperceive what you anticipate in the comments below.

Images address of Halong, Bitcoinist Archives