High Times Becomes First Ever IPO To Accept Cryptocurrencies

High Times Becomes First Ever IPO To Accept Cryptocurrencies

THELOGICALINDIAN - Legacy cannabis ability media High Times Holding Corporation will be accepting Bitcoin BTC and Ethereum ETH during its Initial Public Alms IPO By accomplishing so it will purportedly become the aboriginal acceptable banal alms anytime to acquire investments through cryptocurrencies

High Times Magazine will booty advantage of Regulation A crowdfunding, which is appointed to acquiesce baby companies to booty advantage of IPO procedures to crowdsource up to $50 actor in a accessible offering, reports CNBC.

Interestingly enough, the company’s IPO will allegedly become the actual aboriginal one to acquire cryptocurrencies as a agency of accord in the process.

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Speaking on the matter, Adam Levin, High Times CEO, said:

The CEO of High Times additionally acicular out that they didn’t see an ICO action as an adapted move. Nevertheless, he additionally said abrogation out an arising broker abject of the affectionate would be “foolish”:

By acceptance investments in Bitcoin [coin_price] and Ethereum, High Times should be able to adore a beyond accumulation of participants. In the words of Levin:

According to CNBC, investors will be able to acquirement shares for $11, giving them a 10 percent abatement on the advancing advertisement amount of NASDAQ.

What do you anticipate of High Time’s accommodation to acquire cryptocurrencies in its IPO? Don’t alternate to let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Bitcoinist Archives; Shutterstock