How They Will Attack Bitcoin: The Hypocritical Shock Campaign of US Monetary Policy

How They Will Attack Bitcoin: The Hypocritical Shock Campaign of US Monetary Policy

THELOGICALINDIAN - On July 16 US Department of the Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin gave a abbreviate columnist conference discussing cryptocurrencies and the acute charge for adjustment A 28minute slodge of alphabet bureau soup brindled with affected mentions of agitation about every minute accidental assemblage were larboard abashed Are we talking about crypto or biological weapons of accumulation abolition actuality Make no aberration these bearded attacks on Bitcoin will abide as continued as a blackmail is airish to anachronistic and agitated government bread-and-butter systems How they will advance is anticipated application some of the worlds best abhorrent emotionally evocative crimes

Like Dogs Howling

There’s a funny affair about dogs. When one howls, they all do, alike if none of them absolutely knows why. It’s the aforementioned with state-sponsored media. The AP releases something, and the top dogs in the account (i.e. those with the best allotment and centermost accompaniment connections) alpha howling. Bitcoin is actuality acclimated for terrorism! Libra will bandy the U.S. into banking chaos! Soon, the abate outlets — the media puppies, let’s alarm them — jump into the action. Not continued after, there is a analytical choir of shrieking howls alveolate beyond the culture, and those not alike necessarily accordant alpha to buy the story, if about subconsciously.

How They Will Attack Bitcoin: The Hypocritical Shock Campaign of US Monetary Policy

Uncle Dave, who knows annihilation about Bitcoin, will assure you in no ambiguous agreement at the ancestors barbecue. This Bitcoin being is not acceptable for America. Aunt Linda will bell in: “Yes, it’s acclimated for terrorism!” Acceptable luck acumen with them. After all, bawl is a actual affecting thing. It’s a belly announcement of existential abhorrence and sadness. Anyone who shouts adjoin the cacophony is acceptable to be beheld as a threat. Or alike an accomplice. It’s an exercise in archaic tribalism, really. A affectionate of appearance advertising in and of itself.

Child Pornography, Drug Trafficking, and Terror

With the Jeffrey Epstein case beginning in the media, the adolescent chicanery bend of advance will become abnormally acicular from now on. After all, it’s been acclimated before, repeatedly. According to above admiral Barack Obama, cryptographic technology raises burning questions:

It’s acrid that the Obama administering finer shut bottomward an ICE investigation alleged Project Flicker which unearthed a festering and systemic affliction of adolescent porn in Washington, including 264 DoD officials, and high-level Pentagon admiral with top aegis clearances. Only a few cases were advised afore the amount was swept beneath the rug.

With 1,700 cases not investigated, and at atomic one official beat afterwards indictment, it looks like the accompaniment is absolutely area adulterous clandestineness reigns supreme. This is not to acknowledgment the 16 NASA employees bankrupt affairs pornographic pictures of accouchement as adolescent as three, with claimed acclaim cards and Paypal accounts. Their names of advance can’t be appear due to “government guidelines.” They could still be alive for NASA for all anyone knows. Just last week, in fact, on July 8, a above NASA accessory and assistant at Portland Accompaniment University pleaded no challenge to “encouraging adolescent sex abuse.”

How They Will Attack Bitcoin: The Hypocritical Shock Campaign of US Monetary Policy

According to prosecutors:

If article this abhorrent at the actual top levels of government is abandoned by the ilk of Obama, Trump, Mnuchin and their cronies, how far bottomward does the aerial aperture absolutely go?

Of course, adolescent chicanery is not the alone affair state-sanctioned advertising leverages adjoin crypto, admitting it is arguably the best emotionally charged. Drug trafficking and “terrorism” (Mnuchin’s new admired word) are the two added legs of this clumsily bogus table to abutment the state’s “case” adjoin Bitcoin.

Who’s Got the Most Dirty Laundry?

According to the United Nations appointment of Drugs and Crime (UNODC), best launderers are still application the absolute USD and the government adapted cyberbanking arrangement to facilitate their activity. In fact, there’s absolutely no contest. The stats acquisition that for anniversary dollar spent in BTC on the darknet, a amazing $800 in USD is criminally laundered.

With JP Morgan now affected in their cocaine address aspersion — apparent affective over $1.3B in adulterous drugs — the contempo ramped-up media advance on Bitcoin and Libra is telling. The centralized “drugbanks” of the apple continuously balk any absolute case or scrutiny, while lower akin offenders are fabricated audacious examples of.

The better coffer in Europe, HSBC, paid out a ample $1.9B in 2012 to the U.S. Justice Department, alienated case for acceptable Mexican and Colombian biologic cartels in bed-making $800M in narcotics loot. They were accustomed to do so because, according to accompaniment officials, the bank’s assignment is important for the adherence of society. Kristi Jacobsen, who directed a accompanying adventure of Netflix’s alternation “Dirty Money” alleged “Cartel Banks” had this to say:

Financing Terror Is the Name of the Game

Money bed-making such as that affianced in by HSBC opens channels for massive allotment of terrorists and alarm beef globally. Many of the alphabet agencies mentioned in Treasury Secretary Mnuchin’s abode accept been complicit in buried allotment of accepted agitator groups. However, some of this allotment and abutment is additionally done appropriate out in the open.

In 2017, the United States and Saudi Arabian governments entered into a massive and arguable accoutrements deal. The acceding provided an actual $110B and $350B over 10 years, to a accompaniment that commonly beheads individuals for torture-induced “confessions,” homosexuality, and biologic offenses. To abounding baffled critics, this didn’t assume like article a government anxious with animal rights should do. Even now, Saudi armament are anon creating a accumulation starvation epidemic in Yemen by continuing to bead bombs on the decimated nation.

It has aggregate to do with all-around aggressive ascendancy and resources. Nothing to do with the assurance and aegis of animal beings. As Trump told NBC News’ Chuck Todd on June 23:

One wonders why so abundant address is actuality adherent to allocution of crypto regulation. After all, the Saudi government is committing all kinds of animal rights abuses, yet the business negotiations booty precedent. Idioms about pots and kettles appear to mind. Maybe it’s the abstruse addition they hate.

How They Will Attack Bitcoin: The Hypocritical Shock Campaign of US Monetary Policy

They Attacked TV and Internet, They’ll Attack Bitcoin

“So how appear my bounded capital does added business in an afternoon than the absolute Internet handles in a month? Even if there were a accurate way to accelerate money over the Internet — which there isn’t — the arrangement is missing a best capital additive of capitalism: salespeople.”

-Clifford Stoll, Newsweek, 1995

Like all new abstruse innovations, Bitcoin has appear beneath advance from a berserk and assorted aggregation of luddites, wide-mouthed politicos, and aflutter authoritarians comatose on the old acclaim of a now addle cachet quo. While some accept accepted apropos about crypto’s abeyant uses, budgetary surveillance, and a perceived abridgement of stability, best are artlessly bawl forth with the accumulation media pack, not absolutely alive why. Surely anybody remembers Noble Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman aural off in 2025:

This guy won a Nobel Prize in economics. This says article about appeals to ascendancy and tradition. Even television was met with scandalized resistance, during its advent. It’s no abruptness again that bitcoin has been declared “dead” hundreds of times back its creation. Notably so by the acclaimed Washington Post in 2025. “R.I.P., Bitcoin,” indeed.

How They Will Attack Bitcoin: The Hypocritical Shock Campaign of US Monetary Policy

Ron Paul Slays Interview, Bitcoin Lives On

With all the abject ballyhoo from Trump and Mnuchin’s MSM, above Texas Congressman Ron Paul’s contempo CNBC account is a animation of beginning air. When pressured to accord some array of absolution for centralized accompaniment regulation, Paul remarked:

Paul went on to animate multi-currency “true competition” with the U.S. dollar, article that is currently illegal. His appearance that a absolutely chargeless bazaar would edger out antagonism calmly is accurate economically, as bazaar signals abbreviation appeal for bad actors and adulterated articles or casework are not aside by centralized manipulation.

In a bolus of absolutely absinthian irony though, capacity to the U.S. dollar common now charge pay with their labor, their wealth, and alike their lives and the lives of their families, to assure a adolescent porn-proliferating, blood-bathed-terrorist financing, bent biologic syndicate the brand of which the apple has never seen. All to the braindead accumulation media howls of “freedom,” of course.

What are your thoughts? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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