Major Indian Company TCS Launches Cryptocurrency Trading Solution for Banks' Customers

Major Indian Company TCS Launches Cryptocurrency Trading Solution for Banks' Customers

THELOGICALINDIAN - Leading Indian IT aggregation Tata Consultancy Services TCS is ablution a cryptocurrency trading band-aid for banks to acquiesce their barter to advance in cryptocurrencies TCS is allotment of the Tata accumulation Indias better bunch business accumulation and is listed on two banal exchanges in India

TCS Crypto Service Solution

India’s cryptocurrency industry aloof got a addition back Tata Consultancy Casework (TCS) appear Wednesday the barrage of its “Quartz Smart Solution for Crypto Services.” TCS is India’s arch IT services, consulting, and business solutions organization, allotment of the Tata group, India’s better bunch business group. The aggregation is listed on two Indian banal exchanges: the BSE (formerly Bombay Banal Exchange) and the NSE (National Banal Exchange).

Quartz Smart Solution for Crypto Services aims to advice banking institutions action cryptocurrency trading, the TCS advertisement explains, abacus that it “allows banks and advance firms to accredit investments and portfolio about-face into cryptocurrencies and agenda assets for their clients.” The aggregation elaborated:

TCS added emphasized, “Importantly, it can advice banks and advance firms action their barter the adeptness to alteration payments in the anatomy of ‘digital cash’, and account from lower transaction costs and quicker admission to liquidity.”

Major Indian Company TCS Launches Cryptocurrency Trading Solution for Banks' Customers

With over 448,000 consultants in 46 countries, TCS generated revenues of $22 billion in the year concluded March 31. Quartz, a startup incubated by TCS, enables absolute systems to accommodate with blockchain platforms and added messaging networks.

According to the TCS website, Quartz Acute Solutions is allotment of the Quartz Acute Ledgers. The added Quartz solutions offered alongside the Acute Solutions are Devkit, which the website describes as acute arrangement development kits for altered blockchain technologies; Gateway, which comprises solutions for amalgam absolute applications with blockchain ecosystems/networks; and Command Center, which comprises “solutions that facilitate administering and ecology of the absolute ecosystem.”

Major Indian Company TCS Launches Cryptocurrency Trading Solution for Banks' Customers

R Vivekanand, TCS’ Global Head of Quartz, commented:

He added: “Progressive banking institutions are attractive to accommodate these options to their clientele. We are aflame to action them our robust, defended and scalable band-aid for trading, autumn and alteration of these assets.”

Quartz is additionally hosting an accident on July 15 with accomplice Techex Agenda on “The New Age Crypto World.” Among the capacity that will be discussed are how organizations can account from accepting crypto assets and tokenized balance in their artefact strategies and how cryptocurrencies are “influencing the apple of accounts as we apperceive it.” Accident panelists will altercate “The decreased acceptance of banknote and the approaching of accounts in the ambience of crypto assets, tokenized balance and axial coffer agenda currency,” “How authoritative administration is bringing cryptocurrencies into mainstream,” and “How industries can ride the beachcomber and embrace this confusing trend.”

The crypto ecosystem in India continues to abound as the Indian government deliberates on how cryptocurrency should be advised in India. Local crypto exchanges accept been advertisement record-high trading volumes and new signups. New trading platforms are additionally launching in the country and, recently, all-around crypto barter Binance abutting the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI).

What do you anticipate about TCS ablution a cryptocurrency service? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons, Tata Consulting Services, TCS