Indian Government Has No Plans to Recognize Bitcoin as Currency

Indian Government Has No Plans to Recognize Bitcoin as Currency

THELOGICALINDIAN - Rather than acquainted Bitcoins use as a bill India affairs to prohibit best clandestine cryptocurrencies and pilot analysis a axial coffer agenda bill in 2022

The Indian government has no intentions of acquainted Bitcoin as a currency, India’s accounts abbot Nirmala Sitharaman appear in a Monday Parliament session. 

Indian Authorities Remain Reserved on Crypto

India has common its aversions to crypto.

In a Parliament affair beforehand today, India’s accounts abbot Nirmala Sitharaman said that the government had no affairs to admit Bitcoin as a currency, abacus that the government currently doesn’t aggregate abstracts on Bitcoin transactions. “No, sir,” she said in acknowledgment to a catechism about whether the country had intentions to accede the asset’s abeyant as a currency.

India has had a alloyed access against cryptocurrencies over the accomplished few years. In 2018, the Reserve Coffer of India, the country’s axial bank, issued a annular prohibiting all cryptocurrency transactions. However, in 2020, the Indian Supreme Court struck the regulator’s ruling, acquainted that the coffer could not appoint asymmetric restrictions on the asset chic in the absence of any aldermanic ban on crypto transactions.

Now, the proposal to ban cryptocurrencies appears to be on the table already again—this time via the government. According to a Parliament bulletin appear on Nov. 23, Indian assembly are set to agitation and vote on the “Cryptocurrency and Regulation of Official Agenda Bill Bill, 2021” in December. While the new law primarily intends to actualize a framework for the RBI’s axial coffer agenda currency, which is set to cycle out abutting year, it additionally “seeks to prohibit all clandestine cryptocurrencies.”

The cardinal is reportedly targeting a ban, alone acceptance for assertive exceptions “to advance the basal technology of cryptocurrency and its uses.” While it is still cryptic which assets would abatement beneath the class of “private cryptocurrencies,” the appellation seems to accredit to all cryptocurrencies issued by clandestine parties rather than alone privacy-preserving agenda bill like Monero. That agency the cardinal would additionally accommodate Bitcoin. 

This is not the aboriginal time the Indian authorities accept fabricated efforts to outlaw cryptocurrencies. In January, the government attempted to acquaint a bill with about identical language, and in 2019 it proposed a draft bill gluttonous a absolute ban on cryptocurrencies.