Investors Petition for the Extradition of Sky Mining CEO Accused of Crypto Mining Scam

Investors Petition for the Extradition of Sky Mining CEO Accused of Crypto Mining Scam

THELOGICALINDIAN - Nearly a thousand bodies accept active a address for the displacement ofLeh Minh Tam the CEO of Sky Mining a cryptocurrency mining close based in Ho Chi Minh City The signatories are calling for Tams displacement from the United States afterward allegations that he fled afterwards ambidexterity investors of 36 million

According to a VnExpress account report, the address was acquaint on earlier this week. Over 920 signatures had been calm for the online address in three days.

This is not the aboriginal attack that the Sky Mining investors accept fabricated to balance their money. When the news of the abeyant betray bankrupt out aftermost month, alone lawsuits were filed adjoin Sky Mining and Leh Minh Tam.

A accumulation of 20 investors additionally reportedly registered the affair as a case of artifice with the Vietnamese police.

This latest address has been fabricated to 7 authorities that accommodate the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Donald Trump, and the United Nations.

It identifies both Le Minh Tam and Le Minh Hieu, Sky Mining’s agent administrator as “Vietnamese cheaters” and accuses them of beat with money calm from almost 5,000 people.

Its petitioners are calling for the duo to be expelled from Germany and the United States, and to be alternate to Vietnam in adjustment to “solve the problem.”

The address additionally makes the case that the victims of the declared betray weren’t alone from Vietnam, but additionally countries like Japan and Africa. The address claims some of the victims awash added assets in adjustment to advance in Sky Mining.

There is additionally chat of one broker who committed suicide in the deathwatch of the scam.

This is not the aboriginal attack that the Sky Mining investors accept fabricated to balance their money. When the account of the abeyant betray bankrupt out aftermost month, alone lawsuits were filed adjoin Sky Mining and Leh Minh Tam.

Sky Mining admiring bags of investors amid March and July 2024 by casting to investors the opportunity to buy into its cryptocurrency mining farms.

Sky Mining fabricated claims that it was operating mining rigs from 26 locations in Vietnam. Investors bashed millions of dollars into the company, affairs a alternation of mining affairs alignment from $100 to $5,000.

In a case agnate to added mining scams, these were awash with promises of huge profits that affirmed allotment on arch investments aural a abbreviate amplitude of time. Investors were additionally offered commissions for referrals that brought in added investors to accompany the company.

However, the guarantees fabricated to investors did not agency the accretion adversity of mining, which affects the adeptness to accomplish consistently aerial allotment through cryptocurrency mining.

Leh Minh Tam eventually fled the country and apologized, via Facebook, to investors for his actions. He declared that he would abide hidden in adjustment to assure his life.

Leh Minh Tam eventually fled the country and apologized, via Facebook, to investors for his actions. He declared that he would abide hidden in adjustment to assure his life.

The capacity of the Sky Mining case acrylic a actual acute account of an abuse that requires all-around attention, however, a resolution may prove to be difficult.

Vietnam reportedly does not accept an displacement accord with the United States and admitting their acceptance in the country, cryptocurrencies are not accustomed in the Asian country.

Do you anticipate that the United States should extend some affectionate of abutment to the bodies afflicted by the Sky Mining incident? Let us apperceive what you anticipate in the comments below.

Image address of Shutterstock