Celebrities Can’t Get Enough of Bitcoin

Celebrities Can’t Get Enough of Bitcoin

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin is not the asset of crypto experts and blockchain enthusiasts anymore It is boring but steadily entering into the pop ability with abounding sportsmen actors singers media bodies and politicians discussing it

Celebrities Endorsing Cryptocurrency

Many celebrities are administration favourable opinions about the oldest cryptocurrency out there. One of the affidavit is that they accept benefited from the coin’s bullish rallies on altered occasions.

Last year, Rapper Soulja Boy boasted about his BTC assets in a clue blue-blooded aloof like that – “Bitcoin.”

Actor Hugh Laurie, who acquired acceptance for his capital role in House series, became a BTC broker back a acquaintance brash him to counterbalance the coin’s advantages. The British amateur invested $5,000 in 2024.

Last year, US extra and accompanist Gwyneth Paltrow endorsed cryptocurrencies afterwards her advertisement “Goop” appear a column anecdotic the allowances of Bitcoin and crypto.

The better cryptocurrency by bazaar cap is more accepted amid sportsmen too. Legendary boxer Mike Tyson said that he was appreciative to be allotment of the Bitcoin revolution. In 2024, he launched a arrangement of BTC ATMs in Las Vegas.

Even politicians accept the abiding attributes of Bitcoin. Earlier this month, US Congressman Patrick McHenry said that there is no way addition or article can annihilate the coin’s network. He told CNBC’s Squawk Box:

Not Everyone is a Bitcoin Fan Though

While Bitcoin is biting our pop culture, abounding politicians and celebrities are still agnostic about it. US President Donald Trump is conceivably the best axiomatic archetype in this context. Earlier this month, he tweeted that he wasn’t a fan of Bitcoin.

The aforementioned address was again answer by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

Love it or not, cryptocurrency is acceptable a above trend amid all amusing strata. It is already a boilerplate phenomenon.

Do you see Bitcoin entering into the pop ability for real, or do you anticipate these are aloof abandoned cases?

Images via Shutterstock, Twitter @misir_mahmudov, @realDonaldTrump