K-Pop Group BTS Adds to NFT Hype With First Collection

K-Pop Group BTS Adds to NFT Hype With First Collection

THELOGICALINDIAN - Kpop megastar bandage BTS joins a growing account of musicians to access the NFT space

BTS, the world’s best accepted K-pop group, has partnered with South Korea’s better crypto exchange, Upbit, to absolution a set of NFT photo cards. 

The Bangtan Boys Enter the NFT World

Fans of the megapopular K-pop boy bandage BTS will anon be able to aggregate and barter agenda photo cards of their admired bandage associates in the anatomy of NFTs.

Hybe Co., the managing bureau abaft BTS, will accomplice with South Korean crypto barter Upbit to advertise NFT photo cards accompanying to the band, the aggregation announced Thursday. The bureau additionally affairs to absolution aboriginal belief in web animation and atypical formats starring the Bangtan Boys starting January, as able-bodied as a video bold co-produced by the bandage associates advancing at a after date.

The accord will see Hybe purchasing a 2.5% pale in Dunamu, the aggregation abaft the Upbit exchange, for $423 million, while Hybe will affair new shares account almost $590.5 actor to Dunamu. In a columnist release, Hybe said BTS is venturing into NFTs to aggrandize the fan acquaintance of its massive all-around audience. BTS has admirers spanning seven continents. The accumulation has awash millions of annal common and has won hundreds of awards from music institutions like Grammy and MTV. 

Hybe architect Bang Si-hyuk said in an online briefing that the ambition of arising NFTs is to accommodate defended photo agenda buying and “allowing them to be collected, exchanged, and displayed in a all-around fan association area instead of a distinct photo, it can be angry into a agenda photo agenda with affective images and sound.”

The K-pop megastars are alone the latest in a growing account of above musicians to excellent their own NFTs as the technology more pervades the mainstream. In September, rap superstar Doja Cat issued her own NFT accumulating on the Tezos blockchain. Other artists to absolution their own NFTs accommodate Katy Perry, Eminem, The Weekend, Grimes, Kings of Leon, and Aphex Twin.