Kanye West Files Trademarks Describing NFT Technology After Denouncing the Digital Collectible Concept

Kanye West Files Trademarks Describing NFT Technology After Denouncing the Digital Collectible Concept

THELOGICALINDIAN - According to brand filings with the United States Patent and Brand Office USPTO the American rapper Ye frequently accepted as Kanye West is accepting into the apple of nonfungible tokens NFTs and the metaverse The almanac producers aggregation Mascotte Holdings Inc filed 17 trademarks and genitalia of the brand summaries call agenda collectibles like NFTs

Kanye West: ‘Do Not Ask Me to Do a F***ing NFT … Ask Me Later’

On Wednesday, brand advocate and architect of Gerben Intellectual Property, Josh Gerben, tweeted about rapper and artist Ye and his aggregation Mascotte Holdings filing new trademarks. Gerben said: “Kanye West has filed 17 new brand applications about his YEEZUS name. The filings announce an absorbed to barrage YEEZUS-branded action parks, NFTs, toys, and more.”

Interestingly, West criticized the non-fungible badge (NFT) industry in February and is quoted as adage he’s alone focused on creating real-world products. “My focus is on architecture absolute articles in the absolute world. Absolute food. Absolute clothes. Absolute shelter,” West said at the time on Instagram. “Do not ask me to do a f***ing NFT.” However, the Instagram column that shares West’s thoughts on NFTs additionally said “Ask me later.”

West is no drifter to the apple of cryptocurrencies and he already said bitcoin advocates “really accept a angle on what the accurate liberation of America and altruism will be.” At that time in 2020, West was additionally running as a candidate for the admiral of the United States during the election. The brand filing applications with the USPTO were filed on May 27, 2022, according to the brand summary.

West’s Mascotte Holdings joins a bulk of acclaimed brands filing NFT and metaverse-related trademarks. Companies like New Balance, Crocs, Urban Outfitters, Walmart, Ralph Lauren, and Abercrombie & Fitch accept additionally filed USPTO trademarks angry to agenda collectibles and blockchain technology. Moreover, a deluge of added companies such as Samsung, Gap, Adidas, Nike, Hennessy, Coca-Cola, and Pepsi-Cola accept already appear NFT and metaverse products.

What do you anticipate about the American rapper Ye and his aggregation Mascotte Holdings filing NFT trademarks with the USPTO? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons