Kim Dotcom Publishes a Website That Highlights the Benefits of Bitcoin Cash

Kim Dotcom Publishes a Website That Highlights the Benefits of Bitcoin Cash

THELOGICALINDIAN - On February 12 the architect of the nowdefunct filesharing website Megaupload and cryptocurrency backer Kim Dotcom tweeted about a new website he created that shows the upside of bitcoin banknote The web aperture whybitcoincashcom highlights why bodies should accompany the agenda money anarchy and how cryptocurrencies angle to transform the way business and individuals barter value

Kim Dotcom Launches

In mid-January, chatted with Kim Dotcom and he discussed how he planned to “accelerate” the mission of peer-to-peer cyberbanking cash. Dotcom has been actual articulate about his abutment for bitcoin banknote (BCH) and afore our interview, the internet administrator said his next-generation agreeable monetization app will see bitcoin banknote (BCH) integration. Dotcom has connected to accompany accelerating bitcoin banknote acceptance and on Friday, Dotcom told his 700,000 Twitter followers about his new website.

“Many bodies are allurement me why I’m acknowledging Bitcoin Cash and why I anticipate it has the better upside potential,” Dotcom tweeted. “Good question. I fabricated this little website for you.”

The website is alleged and it explains the abounding allowances bitcoin banknote (BCH) has to action in adverse to bitcoin (BTC). The website explains that BCH is aloof like BTC, but with a cardinal of adjustments authoritative it the “digital agnate of cash.”

The website capacity how BTC can be advised the “digital agnate of gold.” BCH, on the added hand, has backward constant with Satoshi Nakamoto’s white paper, which is a “purely peer-to-peer adaptation of cyberbanking cash.”

The armpit additionally explains the differences amid anniversary network, as BCH has 100 affairs per additional (tps), while BTC’s tps is 3-7. The website additionally highlights that BTC is abstract for micro-transactions with fees clashing amid $5 to alike $50 per transfer. Moreover, bodies generally accept the gold bazaar is massive, and it’s accurate a bazaar appraisal of $10 abundance is still abundant larger. If bitcoin managed to access a bazaar assets of that size, it still wouldn’t be as ample as the common banknote bazaar at $100 trillion. emphasizes that the all-around transaction bazaar is almost about 3 abundance affairs per year. 75% are banknote transactions, 13% are done with acclaim cards and addition 12% are done with some added anatomy of payment.

If the Bitcoin Banknote arrangement was able to abduction aloof 1% of the all-around transactions, BCH would booty on 82 actor affairs per day. Bitcoin banknote wants to be a angular beggarly transaction machine, and during the stress tests in September 2018, the blockchain candy 2.2 actor affairs in 24 hours on the aboriginal day of the month. While the week-long accent analysis took place, the average BCH alteration fees were alone about $0.001 per transaction.

“Bitcoin Banknote wants to be carbon neutral, and put in everyone’s easily the ability to actualize a absolute impact,” Dotcom’s armpit says. To top it all off, the website highlights that BCH has added than 100,000 merchants that acquire the crypto asset, it is borderless, uncensorable, and peer-to-peer cyberbanking banknote that allows individuals to accelerate “directly from one affair to addition after activity through a banking institution.”

Bitcoin Cash Values Jump

After Kim Dotcom aggregate the new website, bitcoin banknote markets jumped over 9% during the 24-hour time period. At 9:02 p.m. (EST) on Friday evening, BCH affected a circadian aerial of about $585 per assemblage and was up 27% for the week. At columnist time on Saturday, BCH is aloof aloft the $560 per assemblage amount range.

BCH jumped 4.51% adjoin BTC and 15.12% during the aftermost seven canicule adjoin ethereum (ETH). Monthly stats appearance BCH has acquired 10% but during the aftermost 90-days, bitcoin banknote has additionally added by 136% adjoin the U.S. dollar. Bitcoin banknote has an all-embracing bazaar assets of about $11.22 billion, as it ventures into the weekend trading sessions.

Holders’ Composition by Time Held stats for bitcoin (BTC), according to Into the Block insights, shows that BTC has 60% for a 12 ages period, while bitcoin banknote (BCH) has 91%.

Meanwhile, BTC’s seven-day stats for affairs greater than $100k shows $176 billion has been settled. Bitcoin banknote has 24.43% of that adjustment as $43 billion has been candy during the aftermost anniversary as far as affairs greater than $100,000.

Rising Daily Transactions, Privacy and the Ability to Forge Tokens

Recently, reported on how BCH affairs were steadily ascent and communicable up to BTC’s affairs per day (tpd). This trend has connected and on Friday black abstracts had apparent BCH did added affairs during the 24-hour time period. Friday evening’s stats (EST) appearance that BCH candy 365,975 affairs and BTC candy 354,065.

In accession to the anecdotic website and Dotcom’s cheep on Friday assuming the new area to his followers, some individuals mentioned that BCH additionally has privacy and the adeptness to issue tokens.

BCH supporters consistently advantage a agreement alleged Cashfusion and it has been acclaimed to action above bond techniques in allegory to acceptable Coinjoin methods. For instance, on January 29, 2020, abstracts analyst and BTC proponent, James Waugh, said that Cashfusion was far added applied than added Coinjoin protocols.

The Bitcoin Cash arrangement additionally has Schnorr Signature capabilities as well. As far as tokens, the Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) has apparent all-encompassing development during the aftermost few years. A countless of SLP tokens congenital on top of the BCH arrangement already accept real-world amount and there are a brace of SLP-built stablecoins, including added than six actor binding (USDT). Check out the video beneath with’s CEO, Hayden Otto discussing Kim Dotcom’s new website.

What do you anticipate about the website? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons, Coin Dance,, Tradingview,, Kim Dotcom,