Konami to Keep Selling NFTs to 'Preserve Content'

Konami to Keep Selling NFTs to 'Preserve Content'

THELOGICALINDIAN - Konami one of the arch Japanbased bold developers abundant on its approaching action apropos NFTs In its latest banking after-effects affair Konami affected briefly on the accountable of NFTs and explained it would go on with its activities involving this technology as a canning apparatus for some of its admired franchises

Konami to Use NFTs as ‘Preservation Tool’

Konami, the Japanese developer amenable for franchises such as Castlevania, has afford some ablaze on its attitude back it comes to the use of NTFs. In its latest banking after-effects meeting, the aggregation indicated it will abide leveraging NFTs as a anatomy of preservation, advertence that:

This account resonates with what Konami has done with NFTs in the past. The aggregation organized a commemorative NFT bargain for the 35th Anniversary of the Castlevania authorization aftermost year, raising added than $160K in sales. The NFTs included agenda art and videos depicting the gameplay of some of the amateur in the series. With this statement, Konami hints at the absolution of agnate collections for added franchises beneath its domain, including Contra, Metal Gear Solid, and Silent Hill, amid others.

Preservation, NFTs, and Reaction

In the acreage of videogames, the chat canning has to do with the agenda accumulator of assets and cipher from amateur with the abstraction of these arresting the access of time. This has the cold of absorption amateur and assets to be enjoyed by new generations. While the use of NFTs for this cold has not accustomed cogent absorption from gaming media, the use of NFTs as gaming assets has.

Several key gaming companies accept bidding their absorption in including these new technologies in their amateur starting this year. Ubisoft has been one of the added alive companies in the field, alike ablution its own NFT bazaar alleged Quartz. But this has resulted in some abrogating absorption from gamers. However, the aggregation will abide to advance the technology because, according to some of its executives, gamers still “don’t get” the allowances that accessory markets ability accompany to them.

Other companies, like Sega, accept dabbled in the NFT acreage but are because bottomward these activities if gamers accede them to be a banknote grab, as declared by the aggregation in one of its contempo administration meetings.

What do you anticipate about Konami’s booty on NFTs? Tell us in the comments area below.

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