Law Firms are Opening Bitcoin Wallets in Anticipation of Potential Ransomware Attacks

Law Firms are Opening Bitcoin Wallets in Anticipation of Potential Ransomware Attacks

THELOGICALINDIAN - With the contempo acceleration of ransomware attacks targeting corporations common law firms are demography what abounding are deeming adapted preemptive aegis measures

WannaCry 2.0

In the aftermost brace of years, abounding corporations and businesses accept been afflicted by ransomware, malware and added hacking attacks. This year hackers were able to auspiciously advance several big corporations and government agencies. In May 2017, hackers were able to affect hundreds of bags of computers with an avant-garde malware alleged ‘WannaCry’. According to cybersecurity experts, the hackers were able to affect over 300,000 computers worldwide. The countries that were the best afflicted by the attacks were Russia, Taiwan, and Ukraine, however, the advance was additionally able to affect western countries.

In Germany, the better railway abettor Deutsche Bank was additionally a victim of the WannaCry ransomware. The British National Health Service was additionally one of the above victims of the WannaCry ransomware. WannaCry was able to blooper into computers through phishing attacks and awful files that users downloaded. The avant-garde ransomware is able to absolutely encrypt the adamantine drives of the computer that it infects. Afterwards the ransomware successfully encrypts the adamantine drives and all files, it will ask the victim to pay a bribe in Bitcoin in adjustment to break the adamantine drive and accomplish accessible again for the victim. IT experts are admonishing users not to pay the bribe back there is no agreement that the adamantine drive will absolutely break afterwards the bribe was paid.

Prepared for the Worst but Hoping for the Best

After the devasting WannaCry attack, abounding corporations and government agencies took above accomplish in adjustment to advancement their cybersecurity infrastructure. According to a contempo commodity by Business Insider, several law firms are preemptively advancing for such attacks by aperture up Bitcoin wallets.

The admiral of cybersecurity and IT of LogicForce, John Sweeny, declared that LogicForce will anon accessible a Bitcoin wallet, in case they become victims of ransomware. Sweeny additionally declared afterward apropos the accomplished situation:

IT experts are advising big corporations and government agencies to advance added in cybersecurity and be added accurate with the software that they install in their networks.

What are your thoughts on the WannaCry attack? Do you anticipate that added law firms should accessible Bitcoin wallets in adjustment to pay the bribe on time? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

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