Ledger CEO Wins French Award for Startup With International Potential

Ledger CEO Wins French Award for Startup With International Potential

THELOGICALINDIAN - Eric Larchevque CEO and cofounder of cryptocurrency accouterments walletmaker Ledgerhas won a French accolade for the startup baton whose archetypal has the greatest abeyant internationally

The celebrated bounded award-winning in Ernst & Young’s (EY) 26th Entrepreneur of the Year 2024 awards, amid in France, is “Startup of the Year.” Ledger’s Eric Larchevêque can lay affirmation to this award, as able-bodied as the “Born Global Award” for the all-embracing abeyant of his startup Ledger.

International Success for Ledger

Ledger’s potential has already angry into an all-embracing success. A few canicule ago, the acclaimed cryptocurrency accouterments wallet architect appear that it had accomplished sales of 1.3 actor units.

The balance startup, created in January 2024, was formed from an amalgamation of companies including Chronicon-RadioceRos and BTChip. 

In the aboriginal annular of allotment in 2015, Ledger aloft the agnate of over $6 actor USD. The aggregation again went on to accession a added $75 million in 2017. Today Ledger has 150 advisers on three continents, breeding over $50 actor in sales acquirement in 2017.

Ledger tweeted Larchevêque’s  new accolade today, October 19, 2018, with the address by LesEchos.fr.

Regarding the success of the Ledger cryptocurrency wallets, Larchevêque afresh acicular to a aggregate of security and affordability. Ledger has a scattering of competitors in the bazaar including TREZOR and KeepKey. TREZOR is additionally popular, with letters suggesting it had awash about 800,000 units by January 2018.

EY’s Awards

EY’s civic awards in France accept a austere action abaft them, the aforementioned as with its agnate awards programs in added countries. In France, juries accommodated in seven French regions to assay the choice applications received. Regional winners are selected, affair in a civic final for the all-embracing class winners to be selected. The civic awards commemoration again happened this year on October 18, 2018.

Larchevêque and Ledger won the bounded annular for Paris, as “Startup of the Year” afore acceptable the civic “Born Global Award.”

Champs-Elysees and Arc de Triomphe

Larchevêque is a consecutive administrator who opened a French Bitcoin Center, “La Maison du Bitcoin,” afore activity on to co-found Ledger.  He’s reportedly giving himself bristles years to accomplish Ledger “ […] a European technology behemothic of blockchain applications.” The administrator may be able-bodied on the way to his goal.

What are your thoughts about Ledger’s new awards? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Shutterstock, Twitter/@LedgerHQ.