Mainstreet Investment: A New Venture for Post-Prison Charlie Shrem

Mainstreet Investment: A New Venture for Post-Prison Charlie Shrem

THELOGICALINDIAN - When Charlie Shrem was appear from bastille he was bombarded with hundreds of emails according to the longtime administrator and Bitcoin apostle One about stood out It began I am alive on a clandestine disinterestedness and portfolio administration activity on the blockchain

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“It’s like adage I’m alive on apple peace. It’s such a big idea,” said Shrem, 27.

The abstraction stemmed from Jason Granger, 38, a amount with acquaintance advantageous ample teams in banking, absolute estate, construction, and clandestine equity.

“I appear from a apple with austere guidelines,” said Granger, who is based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. “I formed for a year aloof to accommodate a collective adventure acceding . . .There was a austere bulk of acknowledged governance, a austere bulk of fiduciary albatross and a austere bulk of transparency.”

Well Thought-Out Structure

The joint-venture affiliation was with AIG and it amounted to a amazing $405 actor disinterestedness charge in a $2 billion absolute acreage development belvedere for First & Main chief living.

So with such adamant acquaintance abiding in acceptable banking rules and practices, Granger accomplished out to Shrem. A few months later, according to Shrem, the two formed Intellisys Capital, LLC and Mainstreet Investment LP.

Granger is the CEO of the blockchain-fuelled endeavour; Shrem, the CTO. But the close is abundant added circuitous than two like-minds.

There’s a well-thought out structure, an authoritative framework clashing annihilation aural the clandestine disinterestedness advance amplitude as the adventure seeks to amalgamate two worlds, acceptable and the emerging. Helping ammunition it is the Mainstreet Advance Token (MIT), a agenda balance aegis angry to adamantine assets, accurate by blockchain technology.

It’s a altered affectionate of agenda bill investment, said Shrem. It mixes in accustomed attempt on how to accession and administrate equity, utilizing next-era technology.

Private Equity Tokenized

charlie-shremAccording to Granger, the activity is blockchain-facilitated, adding, “It’s about safe advance into middle-market companies, which will be agilely vetted.”

The activity is about bringing acceptable practices to the cryptocurrency space, a amplitude which has operated absolutely informally, to date.

The alignment will abide of two companies, Mainstreet Investment, a Cayman Island bound partnership, of which 30 percent will be endemic by badge holders (the MIT) and a authoritative stake, 70 percent, will be endemic by Intellisys Capital, LLC, based in Grand Rapids.

Token holders will about be a decentralized, peer-to-peer — or investor-to-investor — network.

In added words, according to Shrem, through the acquirement of MITs, investors become allotment of the LP to finer basin funds with added investors for projects sourced and analyzed by Intellisys Capital, the administration firm.

“The capital aberration amid what we’re accomplishing and what The DAO is accomplishing is that we’re demography a added acceptable angle on how to accession money and advance money,” said Granger, adding, “The MIT is the aboriginal clandestine disinterestedness advance offered as a agenda security.”

The aim is to advance in US-based average bazaar operating companies, absolute acreage and blockchain technology projects, according to Granger and Shrem.

“We’re not aggravating to reinvent the caster and accession money to body a new technology. We’re application absolute technology and we’re applying it to the acceptable accounts world,” said Shrem.

Crawl, Walk, Run

Digital bill and blockchain technology can accredit far greater ascendancy — peer-to-peer ability — but the access charge be levied anxiously with the end-user in mind.

“Making money is abundant but we absolutely appetite to empower bodies and accomplish a difference,” said Granger. “How can we change the apple to accomplish it better?”

Disaster relief, architecture wells, allowance communities in third-world countries, these are aloof a few of the abiding achievements that Granger and Shrem anticipate as absolute aural the ambit and ambit of blockchain technology and clandestine disinterestedness investment.

Just this year two blockchain-based projects, Helperbit and AidTech, begin their way into the easily of the United Nations. The above is a accustomed adversity administration belvedere while AidTech — “Aid and Trade through Innovation” — harnesses blockchain technology for administration of aid supplies.

Blockchain chainsDecentralized technology enables greater ascendancy over assets and how to acquit them. It’s about accurateness and precision.

As IrishTimes’ Mark Hilliard wrote: “Blockchain is, at its simplest, a agenda spreadsheet of affairs – accessible to share, absurd to abort – enabling safe, cellophane accountability.”

He added, “Its use in the aid sector, area fraud, annexation and accepted corruption all occur, appears a no-brainer.”

“As it relates to the blockchain ancillary of things, we will alone acquaint blockchain projects to companies already aural the portfolio,” Shrem said.

It is a lot beneath of an big-ticket investment, Shrem added, stating, blockchain concepts can be introduced, approved and activated at abundant lower costs and accident than if otherwise.

There is a absolute synergy to introducing blockchain account and opportunities with acceptable and absolute businesses application cachet quo technology and it’s these areas, like accomplishment and absolute estate, area the two entrepreneurs see a abundant account to the Mainstreet Investment fund.

To succeed, however, the adventure charge body assurance and that will activate and end with acceptable controlling from Intellisys and aboriginal acceptance of the MIT.

Mainstreet Investment for You

It was over seafood at the beach Swordfish Grill on the bank of Manatee County, Florida back Granger and Shrem aboriginal met face-to-face.

Shrem was accepted to Granger alone through account and Internet research. And this was aural aloof a few months of Granger’s antecedent email to Shrem.

“I thought, that’s a absolutely acceptable idea. But lots of bodies accept acceptable ideas,” said Shrem. What I did was attending at the person, who is Jason Granger?”

In business, “the hardest affair to advance is a faculty of trust,” said Granger.

The absolute notion, the accomplishments to blockchain technology, and of Bitcoin, is a arguable system. Users don’t charge to apperceive — and for that amount assurance — the added end-user. The arrangement dictates this trust.

The point, according to Granger, is the alms of a bridge, an advance befalling with alike added implications that echo from the actual types of investments sought.

This is the aim of Mainstreet Investment, of the absolute venture. But architecture it will crave assurance in Intellisys and those administering those funds and Granger and Shrem apperceive this.

“Turning acceptable accounts and clandestine disinterestedness upside down,” said Granger. “It’s not about the money, it’s about the people.

Eager investors and absorbed enthusiasts charge to delay until the new year to be a allotment of Mainstreet Investment. Visit and for added advice on Intellisys, Mainstreet Investment and the Mainstreet Investment Token.

What do you anticipate about Shrem’s latest venture? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images via Pixabay, Independent. 

Note: Evan Faggart is an agent of the Vanbex Group, which provides accessible relations casework to Intellisys Capital.