Malaysian Police Arrest Gang of Bitcoin Mining Equipment Thieves

Malaysian Police Arrest Gang of Bitcoin Mining Equipment Thieves

THELOGICALINDIAN - Police in Malaysia accept arrested 9 individuals that were complex in the annexation of Bitcoin mining machines amounting to over 250000 USD

Those that appoint in the apple of cryptocurrency accept more become the targets of criminals. The accepted case of bent atrocity is of a actuality affairs or affairs basic bill actuality beggared of the banknote they’re carrying. Now it appears that Bitcoin mining accessories is no best safe. Police in Malaysia accept aloof arrested 9 bodies who were complex in the organized stealing of such equipment.


Malaysian badge say that they accustomed 5 abstracted letters of baseborn Bitcoin mining accessories recently. The thefts occurred from January 17th through February 16th in Serdang.

The calibration of the thefts is appealing impressive. A absolute of 153 mining machines and ability accumulation units (PSU) were stolen, which are account added than 1 actor RM ($250,000 USD).

The badge took the annexation of the computer accessories seriously. Serdang badge arch Assistant Commissioner Megat Mohamad Aminuddin Megat Alias noted:

Police managed to capture the criminals back they attempted to advertise the baseborn accessories on Facebook and a website. Overall, the badge managed to balance 57 pieces of computer equipment, of which 28 were PSUs. The recovered accessories is account at atomic 500,000 RM ($125,000 USD).

The badge arrested the 9 suspects afterwards administering 6 accompanying raids throughout Selangor, Klang Valley and Kuching, Sarawak. The suspects are all men and are in their 20s and 40s. They accept all accepted to the crimes.

The badge are still hunting for one added suspect, who appears to be one of the key associates of the group. They currently accept several leads, including fingerprints taken from a abomination scene.

As for the actual Bitcoin mining accessories that is still missing, Alias says:

Overall, it pays to be careful, whether you’re mining for cryptocurrency or attractive to buy or advertise it in person. Criminals accept become more adventurous in attractive to banknote in on the crypto craze, such as attempting to rob an exchange in Canada or acquisitive a “fortune” in cryptocurrency from a banker in the UK afterwards invading his home and captivation his wife and baby.

What precautions do you booty to assure yourself? If you abundance cryptocurrency, do you accumulate your machines deeply bound up? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of Yahoo! News, Wikimedia Commons/@Rizuan, and Bitcoinist archives.