Moscow Confirms Arrest of Russian Crypto Entrepreneur in Amsterdam, Report Mentions FBI

Moscow Confirms Arrest of Russian Crypto Entrepreneur in Amsterdam, Report Mentions FBI

THELOGICALINDIAN - Authorities in the Netherlands accept arrested a Russian civic with a cryptocurrency business the Foreign Ministry in Moscow has accepted The man complex in the enactment of two crypto barter platforms was apprehended beforehand this ages reportedly on a appeal from US law administration

Russian Founder of Cryptocurrency Exchangers Detained in Holland

Denis Dubnikov, co-founder of cryptocurrency barter platforms Coyote Crypto and Eggchange, has been arrested in Amsterdam, on Nov. 1. A address by crypto account aperture Forklog quoted the agent of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Maria Zakharova, who accepted the account which advance on amusing media.

The Russian aborigine was initially captivated and placed in an abreast area at the airport in Mexico City. He was again boarded on a flight to the Netherlands area he was eventually arrested by Dutch authorities, allegedly on a appeal submitted by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the advertisement detailed.

Moscow Confirms Arrest of Russian Crypto Entrepreneur in Amsterdam, Report Mentions FBI

According to a Facebook post appear on Nov. 4 by Sergei Mendeleev, CEO of the defi cyberbanking belvedere Indefibank, the United States seeks the displacement of Dubnikov in affiliation to a cryptocurrency annexation dating from 2018. Part of the agenda money is believed to accept anesthetized through wallets operated by his crypto barter business.

“So, a few canicule ago there was an amazing bearings with the aborigine of the Russian Federation Dubnikov Denis Mikhailovich. For a absolutely ambiguous reason, he was bedfast at the airport in Mexico aloft accession and… was aback abandoned (precisely deported!) to Amsterdam…,” Mendeleev explained, allurement how is it accessible for this to appear to Russian citizens.

“Friends, I anticipate there is a acumen to ask the Russian Foreign Ministry for a reaction, maybe Maria Zakharova will accord her beefy comment?” Mendeleev noted. In acknowledgment to his alarm on amusing media, Zakharova accepted the advice about Dubnikov’s apprehension and added:

Dubnikov Arrested Amid Anti-Money Laundering Investigations Against His Crypto Business

The account of Denis Dubnikov’s arrest comes afterwards a Bloomberg address appear this anniversary that his Eggchange is the ambition of anti-money bed-making investigations in Europe and the U.S. This case follows the blacklisting of addition Russia-based crypto business on agnate allegations. In September, the U.S. Treasury Department adopted sanctions adjoin the Czech-registered OTC crypto agent Suex which operates out of offices in Moscow and Saint Petersburg.

Dubnikov is not the aboriginal Russian crypto administrator bedfast on a U.S. warrant. In the summer of 2017, the Russian IT specialist Alexander Vinnik was arrested in the Greek burghal of Thessaloniki, area he accustomed on a vacation with his family. American prosecutors affirmation Vinnik, an declared abettor of the abominable BTC-e exchange, has apple-pie up to $9 billion through the now-defunct bread trading platform. He has back been extradited to France and sentenced to bristles years in bastille for money laundering. In May, the French attorneys rejected a appeal for his displacement to Russia area he would additionally face charges.

The accustomed crypto agent Suex is believed to accept apple-pie agenda money accompanying to what was already the better cryptocurrency barter on the Russian and bounded market. In August, Polish authorities detained Dmitry Vasiliev, above arch controlling of BTC-e’s successor, Wex, at the airport in Warsaw. Vasiliev is capital in Kazakhstan area he is accused of artifice accompanying to the belvedere and is apprehension a accommodation on his accessible extradition. Poland clearly confirmed his arrest in September.

Do you apprehend added arrests of Russian nationals on crypto-related allegations? Tell us in the comments area below.

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