News Bits 24.11.2024

News Bits 24.11.2024


Today we’ll accompany you account of Snapchat, Paraguay and Bobby Lee.

Snapchat Investing in P2P Payments with Snapcash Snapchat, a accepted adaptable messaging annual has appear affiliation of a peer-to-peer acquittal arrangement alleged Snapcash. By partnering with the acquittal annual Square, anybody over eighteen that are amid in the US, can affix their debit cards to their annual and instantly accelerate money to friends. You aloof accept to blazon the dollar sign, the amount, and columnist the new blooming pay button. When money is sent, it goes anon into your accompany coffer account. Square has chip Bitcoin payments into their acquittal systems beforehand this year. Though, it doesn’t supports Bitcoin use, so Snapchat users will not accept the adeptness to accelerate Bitcoin to one another.

The aboriginal Bitcoin ATM in Paraguay

Paraguay’s aboriginal Bitcoin ATM is installed in a restaurant called “Be Okay”. The restaurant becomes the aboriginal business in Paraguay to acquire bitcoin. The owner, who happens to be a bitcoin enthusiast, said that the accession of this ATM was done in adjustment to abutment cryptocurrency, as able-bodied as acquaint new technology into the country. He’s additionally acclimation the aboriginal bitcoin meetup in Paraguay, which should be like a Satoshi Square,that will be run alongside the barrage of the Bitcoin ATM. It’s abundant to see bodies overextension ability apropos Bitcoin throughout
other Latin American countries. For example, bitcoin’s attendance in Panama.

Interview with Bobby Lee, CEO of BTC China

The International Bar Association did a abundant account with Bobby Lee, and we accept abridge it for you. Bobby Lee is the buyer of BTC China the better and aboriginal Bitcoin barter in China. A above block of the account consists of the amends of Bitcoin, as able-bodied as broker absorption of it. US Treasury and European Central Bank calling it a basic currency, Peoples Bank of China calls it an advance target, and the Finnish Government calls it a commodity. Bobby calls it Bitcoin.

Well, that’s it for today. Can’t delay to see you abutting week!

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