Not All That Glitters is Gold — Sometimes It’s Mongolian Copper

Not All That Glitters is Gold — Sometimes It’s Mongolian Copper

THELOGICALINDIAN - Harnessing the abeyant of blockchainbased technology one of the worlds better tobe chestnut nickel and azure mines is about to barrage a largescale Security Token Offering STO to aggrandize its operations Presale has already started through Blue Hill Foundation

Putting Traditional Commodities On The Blockchain

The pre-sales to the Blue Hill Mining tokens accept already started through the Blue Hill Foundation, a aperture to Blue Hill Mine. A absolutely adapted Swiss Security Token Offering (STO) aiming to be supervised by FINMA, the Swiss bazaar regulator. A STO that merges smartphones, electric cartage and blockchain through the analysis of raw abstracts that are key to these industries, such as Copper, Cobalt and Nickel. The mine, anchored in Mongolia, is believed to lie absolutely in the aforementioned geological lode as its ‘predecessor’ Turquoise Hill, today one of the better chestnut affluence in the world.

The Blue Hill abundance is about the absolute admeasurement of the country of Liechtenstein. The tokens are affiliated anon to co-ownership of this mine.  In fact, anniversary BHF badge has the rights to a 0.00000004% co-ownership of the Blue Hill Mine. It is estimated that the Copper assets is one of the better in Asia. Moreover, the geological surveys announce the attendance of added minerals as well, such as the much-desired Cobalt (used in about every car, smartphone and laptop Lithium-ion batteries), and additionally the attenuate apple elements such as Ytterbium and Yttrium. These elements are absolutely rare: Ytterbium is acclimated in cilia optic cables as an amplifier, admitting Ytterbium is acclimated in authoritative red phosphors for blush television account tubes forth with deepening aluminum and magnesium alloys.

Speaking on the amount was Mr. Kurt Becker, accepted CEO at Blue Hill Mining, who said:

“You accept to brainstorm that so far we accept alone analyzed 10% of the all-inclusive apparent breadth of the basal mining licenses with a blueprint that the appraisal of the affluence abundance is 20 to 30% of the already apparent reserves, again you can access your antecedent advance added than 300 times.”

Growing Demand and High Profitability application a Blockchain-based Platform

In addition, the aggregation will additionally actualize a peer-to-peer blockchain-based belvedere which will affix miners, smelters, logistic companies, and industry manufacturers. The belvedere is due to accompany much-needed accuracy to the industry, acceptance acquiescence on how and area the minerals were mined.

That agency we can accomplish a aberration acceptance baby and average admeasurement mining companies to bazaar their minerals in a added benign and aggressive way. Our amount focus is on two capital benefits.

The aboriginal actuality that all abundance companies listed on the Blue Hill Platform will charge to be accustomed by the animal rights board that will advice end bent practices like adolescent labour and arbitrary trade.

The additional account is that this belvedere enables complete cellophane trading to booty abode anon amid the end client and the abundance owner, accordingly acid out the middlemen. This can save up to 30 percent margins extenuative millions of dollars in this all-around anniversary 500 billion US dollar bazaar by application the Blue Hill Platform.

The Blue Hill Foundation as a aperture to the Blue Hill Mining

What’s absorbing about these tokens is that they are a arch to absolute buying to the Blue Hill Mine. The BHF tokens will be automatically exchanged for the absolutely adapted BHM tokens on a 1-to-1 base aloft the barrage of the STO. In addition, BHF tokens will accept a vesting aeon of 3, 6, and 9 months. This vesting aeon will advice the amount of the badge and assure investors at the aforementioned time.

By bringing the estimated geological after-effects already performed to all-embracing standards, the amount of the  Blue Hill Mine has the abeyant accretion 334x from its its accepted value. This will actuate the acknowledgment plan, in which case anniversary badge will be re-purchased at 30 US dollars via Listing on the Toronto Stock Market.

A bound bulk of BHF-Tokens are accessible today acceptance you to booty abounding advantage and to participate into the absolute mining industry. For the aboriginal time, the accumulation is in the easily on the alone badge holders rather than the accumulated giants, acknowledgment to the cellophane blockchain technology. Visit and access your BHF-Tokens at best amount starting at 0,06 US dollar per token.