Payza partners with New RAMPgreen Technologies to bring localized payments to India

Payza partners with New RAMPgreen Technologies to bring localized payments to India

THELOGICALINDIAN - Global payments belvedere and bitcoin exchange Payza has appear a new affiliation which will advice accompany payments online in India for Payza users in their built-in bill the Rupee

With the new affiliation amid Payza and New RAMPgreen Technologies (NRGT), users of the Payza belvedere will be able to accelerate payments and transact globally with the Indian Rupee, removing abrasion that currently exists in India for sending money internationally.

With the partnership, it would be trivially accessible for a bitcoin user in India to drop bitcoin to their Payza annual and abjure it into their bounded currency, or carnality versa.

Payza afresh expanded to Turkey to abutment Turkish businesses and professionals and launched their prepaid agenda internationally.