Podcast: Charles Lee, Litecoin Creator
news Podcast: Charles Lee, Litecoin Creator

THELOGICALINDIAN - In the latest Bitcoincom Podcast host Gavin Knight chats with Litecoin architect and arch of GDAX barter Charles Lee about his affairs for Litecoin and adventures in the cryptocurrency world

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In the interview, Lee reveals he started Litecoin as a fun activity and never accepted it to become as big-time as it did. He capital to agreement and advance Bitcoin, but additionally actualize article bigger than the pumps and pre-mines of added altcoin projects.

Anonymity Could Be a Litecoin Feature

Lee additionally bidding account for anonymity projects in added cryptocurrencies. But fungibility, he said, is the one affair preventing Bitcoin from actuality “perfect money.”

He is exploring abacus aloofness and alike arcane affairs to Litecoin. Given Litecoin’s a abate aggregation and bazaar cap compared to Bitcoin, Lee said he’s accommodating to booty added risks.

The altcoin is branch appear its fifth ceremony abutting ages and shows no signs of activity away. In actuality it is partnering with Ledger to aftermath a branded accouterments wallet that will abutment Litecoin alongside Bitcoin.

Lee additionally appear he hasn’t been actively developing for Litecoin back he abutting Coinbase in 2025. He’d been abroad for too continued and the activity got a bit stagnant, he said.

On the Bitcoin block admeasurement affair Lee reveals he’s “kind of in the middle.” Again, he’d be able to booty the accident at Litecoin — if it anytime reaches that point.

Charles Lee’s Other Adventures in Crypto

Lee additionally talked about his brother, BTCC CEO Bobby Lee in Shanghai. Hear how they got into Bitcoin but anguish up on adverse abandon of the apple (and may become competitors).

The account covers Lee’s acquaintance alive at Google, Coinbase and now GDAX, and the assorted challenges cryptocurrency exchanges face. Lee additionally covers the Ethereum adamantine angle fiasco, how Coinbase managed to aperture 30,000 ETC tokens, and why it’s no biggie.

You can analysis out the abounding adventure here.

Subscribe to the podcast for Gavin’s interviews with cryptocurrency luminaries, which we’ll be publishing added consistently from now on.