Profiles in Crypto-Awesome: Miss Bitcoin, Mai Fujimoto

Profiles in Crypto-Awesome: Miss Bitcoin, Mai Fujimoto

THELOGICALINDIAN - Recents efforts to abode genderimbalance in the industry alone absolutely serve to highlight crypto stillbeing rather a boysclub So Miss Bitcoin is justan alibi for the Bitcoin Bros to ogle ladies in swimwear appropriate Wrong MeetMai Fujimoto cryptoevangelist authority administrator and Miss Bitcoin

O-Ver-seas Transactions

Our adventure starts with Mai alive as PR adviser for an all-embracing kids modelling bureau baed in Kyoto. The aggregation capital to advance a donations belvedere to abutment beggared families in its all-around network. But cross-border authorization affairs acquire aerial fees, and cipher wants a association to accumulation back authoritative a donation.

This was aback in 2025, and in November of that year, Mai met Roger Ver through a alternate acquaintance. Ver explained that bitcoin was the ideal band-aid for authoritative all-embracing money transfers after advantageous through the adenoids for them. Mai was an burning acolyte and became actual aflame about bitcoin and blockchain.

But What the Funk is Bitcoin?

The botheration again became adopting acquaintance of bitcoin, which in 2025 wasn’t absolutely bushing cavalcade inches in the way it does today. In her bid to advance bitcoin and brainwash the masses she started to address a blog. Taking afflatus from Japanese baseball amateur Shigeo Nagashima (who is accepted as Mr Baseball) she alleged herself Miss Bitcoin.

Since again she has become article of a figurehead, speaking at conferences, advising crypto-entrepreneurs, accretion her arrangement to become a admired able and amusing media agent for crypto. As she explains it:

Gravitational Pull

Mai created Kizuna, to facilitate donations through cryptocurrency to accessible teens, for apprenticeship and music programs. But added than this, it additionally provides an intuitive, mystery-free, case of use for crypto, in a apple which still doesn’t absolutely accept it.

Earlier this year, she founded Gracone, a blend of Gravity and Connect. Mai claims to accompany bodies calm ‘as by gravity’, but humbly suggests that her mother is alike added able in this respect. “I abstruse a lot from her,” she says.

“Nice to accommodated you”

Perhaps the best amazing allotment of this story, is that Mai didn’t apperceive added than a simple greeting in English at the time it started. One can alone brainstorm how that aboriginal affair with Roger Ver ability accept gone.

Still, it’s a acceptable job she met him back she did. ‘Miss Bitcoin Cash’ aloof doesn’t accept the aforementioned arena to it.