Report: Andreessen Horowitz Seeks an Investment in Bored Ape Yacht Club

Report: Andreessen Horowitz Seeks an Investment in Bored Ape Yacht Club

THELOGICALINDIAN - Two letters affirmation that the creators of the accepted nonfungible badge NFT activity Bored Ape Yacht Club BAYC are in talks of adopting funds from investors such as the adventure basic close Andreessen Horowitz The declared allotment annular is accepted to be about 200 actor but sources added say the accord is not yet closed

Bored Ape Yacht Club’s Yuga Labs in Talks of Raising $200 Million, Multiple Sources Say

According to the account aperture Axios, the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) creators accept been in talks of adopting funds from investors. Axios contributors Kia Kokalitcheva, and Dan Primack address that the advance close Andreessen Horowitz “is in avant-garde talks to advance a ample allotment annular for Yuga Labs.”

Yuga Labs created the BAYC NFT activity alongside the associated NFT collections like Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC). There are 10,000 NFTs, in the case of BAYC, and anniversary ape has altered properties.

At the time of writing, 6,296 different addresses own at atomic one BAYC out of the 10,000, and the accepted attic amount for the atomic big-ticket BAYC today is 90 ethereum (ETH) or $272K.

Out of 11,249 traders and 24,543 sales, the BAYC accumulating has apparent $1.3 billion in best sales volume. The accumulating of 10,000 BAYCs alone, has an all-embracing bazaar assets of about $3 billion today, according to’s metrics.

While the attic amount on Saturday, February 5, 2022, is $272K for the everyman BAYC, the boilerplate BAYC auction is $337,820 this weekend.

In accession to the Axios report, the Twitter annual dubbed “Nftnick.eth” (NFT Nick) told his 80,400 amusing media followers about BAYC possibly adopting funds with a “$5 billion valuation.” Axios said it “has abstruse from assorted sources,” but the advertisement additionally mentioned NFT Nick’s tweet.

Kokalitcheva and Primack added add in their address that “the accord is not yet closed, which agency it still could abatement through.” BAYC has been actual accepted amid celebrities as well, with pop brilliant Justin Bieber, rapper Eminem, Linkin Park’s Steve Aoki, Charlotte Hornets’ LaMelo Ball, and NBA fable Shaquille O’Neal all owning a BAYC NFT.

BAYC has additionally partnered with able-bodied accepted brands like Rolling Stone, Arizona Iced Tea, and Adidas. There’s additionally been the conception of two BAYC-centric ball projects with abetment from Universal Music Group and a abstracted one stemming from the hit almanac ambassador Timbaland.

Last year, 107 Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs were additionally sold at the affluence bargain abode Sotheby’s for $24 million.

What do you anticipate about the letters that say Yugo Labs is in talks with investors like Andreessen Horowitz to accession $200 million? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

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