Reuters Blasts Binance for $2.35B Money Laundering Problem

Reuters Blasts Binance for $2.35B Money Laundering Problem

THELOGICALINDIAN - The crypto barter is in agitation for ahead absorption on growing bazaar allotment with little attention to compliance

A address from Reuters claims that Binance may accept accustomed the bed-making of added than $2.35 billion over a aeon of bristles years. The address accent instances back North Korean hackers, Russian biologic dealers, and European organized abomination groups allegedly candy money through the exchange.

State Hackers, Drug Dealers, and Organized Crime

Binance, one of the better cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, may accept let billions of dollars account of afraid funds transact through its platform, a new analytic address from Reuters has found.

According to the report, Binance allegedly candy added than $2.35 billion of baseborn funds amid 2017 and 2021. The funds (the absolute of which was affected from cloister records, law administration statements, and with the advice of blockchain assay firms) are said to accept originated from on-chain hacks, advance frauds, and actionable biologic sales. Blockchain analysis close Chainalysis has stated that Binance candy $770 actor of bent funds in 2019 alone.

The Reuters address singles out entities accepting allegedly apple-pie money through Binance, including the Lazarus Group, the North Korean cybercrime syndicate amenable for hacking $550 actor from the Ronin arch aftermost year. While Binance formed with law administration to analyze and benumb $5 actor from the hack, the bulk that did accomplish in casual through the barter is unclear.

Hydra, a behemothic Russian-language darknet exchange that acclimated cryptocurrencies for the auction and acquirement of drugs, is additionally said to accept acclimated Binance to action added than $780 actor back aboriginal 2024. 

The address assuredly capacity that European organized abomination groups targeted pensioners in Germany, Austria, and Spain, and may accept apple-pie added than $800 actor of affected trading website assets through cryptocurrency exchanges, decidedly Binance.

Binance was the cryptocurrency barter of choice, the address says, because of its ahead apart know-your-customer (KYC) character analysis checks. Indeed, cartage amid Binance and Hydra alone acutely afterwards the KYC requirements were anchored in August 2024.

When asked to animadversion on the Reuters investigation, a Binance agent told Crypto Briefing that “the commodity uses anachronous advice from 2024 and counterfeit claimed attestations as a accessory to authorize a apocryphal narrative” afore highlighting Binance’s cooperation with law administration in assorted cybercrime investigations.

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this allotment endemic ETH and several added cryptocurrencies.