Review: Bitmain AntMiner S9 First 16nm ASIC to Market Miner

Review: Bitmain AntMiner S9 First 16nm ASIC to Market Miner

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitmain has continued led the industry not alone in ASIC development but additionally in authoritative abiding they are accessible to added than aloof a few big barter The added authentication of Bitmain is they advertise a new miner alone back they are about accessible to address No preordering and continued waits The AntMiner S9 is no barring Bitmain had afresh appear that they would anon be absolution and aircraft the aboriginal 16nm ASIC to bazaar and followed up by bound aperture acclimation and affairs out fast of accumulation one and accumulation two S9s The S9 has actual advancing specs compared to the S7 which as the time was top dog The 16nm BM 1387 ASIC is rated for0098 JGH which allows the S9 to advance 14 ths at almost 1380 watts at the bank Lets go over the abounding blueprint of the S9

Disclosure: S9 was provided to analysis by Bitmain.

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AntMiner S9 LogoSpecifications:

Hash Rate: 14.0TH/s ±5%

Power Consumption: 1375W 7% (at the wall, with APW3 ,93% efficiency, 25C ambient temp)

Power Efficiency: 0.098 J/GH 7%(at the wall, with APW3 93% efficiency, 25°C ambient temp)

Rated Voltage: 11.60 ~13.00V

Chips per unit: 189x BM1387

Dimensions: 350mm(L)*135mm(W)*158mm(H)

Cooling: 2x 12038 fan

Network Connection: Ethernet

Default Frequency: 650M

AntMiner S9 FrontAs you can see they are actual advancing specs.  The aircraft gods were benevolent and the S9 showed up in absolute appearance deeply arranged as usual.  The aboriginal affair you apprehension back you get it out of the box is the heft. With all the heatsinks absorbed on both abandon of the hashing lath for cooling.  With the ability draw of about 1400 watts you charge to accept a PSU that can handle this or use two PSUs. Also accomplish abiding your base can handle it.  The AntPSU is rated at 1600 watts and runs alone on 220v. While this is the PSU we run the S9 on for the account of the analysis we will appearance the way to bureaucracy and run with 2 PSUs. We affiliated an EVGA Supernova 1300 watt and a 1200 Watt custom Spondoolies PSU to the S9. If application two PSUs it is a charge that they be affiliated in the able way.  One PSU you affix to two hashing boards. All three ability access charge accept their own cable.  The additional PSU you affix to the aftermost lath and one added PCIe cable to the ascendancy board.  For powering on you aboriginal alpha the PSU with the two boards again ability up the aftermost lath and controller. This way the ambassador will acquisition all three boards.

Bitmain AntMiner S9 Simple Setup, Top Performance

Once you accept powered up the S9 will be begin on your arrangement as they address with DHCP enabled. This allows for fast and simple setup.  For this analysis we acclimated AntPool and for mining pools.  The ambassador is actual able-bodied with it acknowledging abounding boards as able-bodied as added fans, the advanced of the assemblage additionally has a micro-sd agenda aperture for accessible afterlight and convalescent of the controller.  When you get to the capital console as consistently you will see the accustomed Bitmain ascendancy screen. The user name and PW is root/root, aboriginal off you appetite to change the PW to one of your choosing.

AntMiner S9 Stats PanelThe miner cachet awning gives you all your advice at a glance. One affair to accumulate and eye on is the temp. The S9 runs hotter than the antecedent S7 at almost 80c to 90c depending on your ambient temps. Pool affiliation is simple and fast. The S9 comes up to acceleration poolside bound as well. One affair you will apprehension that is the fan beef is pervasive.  The S9 will not be a miner for your den or active room.  We will assignment with several altered admirers to see if we can acquisition a band-aid that moves the aforementioned bulk of cfm yet is not as loud in the abreast future.  The Antminer S9 puts out about 79 dbs at 4 feet. One of the affidavit for the able-bodied cooling admitting is that the S9 is meant to run abundant abundant best than antecedent gen equipment. With a best activity aeon of mining accessories accident now a able able-bodied arrangement that can assignment 24/7 for actual continued time.

Poolside the miner is active at 13.9 th/s to 14.6 th/s while affairs 1380 watts at the wall. Using 220v with the AntPSU the miner pulled 1340 watts and ran at 14.6 th/s to 14.8 th/s stable.  The AntMiner S9 is a actual able-bodied congenital Bitcoin ASIC miner that absolutely accomplish up the bold with its ability to gh/s ratio. Adding in the affliction to detail will acquiesce it to run a continued time.  The AntMiner S9 active on the 16nm ASIC is a aboriginal to bazaar abutting gen chip.  With Bitcoin amount affective up abounding miners alike accepted gen like the AntMiner S7 and theh Avalon 6 will abide assisting able-bodied into the approaching and the abutting gen miners like the S9 will go be for far best as well. At about $2100 at columnist time the S9 is a acceptable miner to get at a acceptable price. It is the alone 16nm or abate ASIC aircraft appropriate now as well. BitFury, BW Pool, Innosillicon and others will chase clothing anon but they are not actuality yet.  Bitmain’s accomplished abutment backs up every miner.  There is additionally Bitmain Warranty who can adjustment the S9 and alike S7 alfresco of China which cuts bottomward on aircraft costs and time if there is an affair with your miner.

In the advancing canicule we will additionally broadcast a video walk-through on how to bureaucracy and run your AntMiner S9. Stay tuned.

What are your thoughts on the Bitmain AntMiner S9?

Image Source:, Bitmain