Robbers Take $450K From a Tether Trader During an In-Person Transaction in Hong Kong — Second Incident in 2024

Robbers Take $450K From a Tether Trader During an In-Person Transaction in Hong Kong — Second Incident in 2024

THELOGICALINDIAN - Hong Kong badge are investigating the additional adventure in the year involving an offline cryptocurrency transaction A changeable banker is reportedly the latest victim of robbers who blanket her HKD 35 actor 451000 account in binding USDT tokens

One of the Robbers Gained Female’s Trust by Performing Three Successful Transactions

According to the South China Morning Post, thieves absorbed the changeable crypto banker to an appointment for alignment the deal. The adventure took abode at the Ricky Centre on Chong Yip Street in Kwun Tong, said the authorities.

Initially, the bandit allegedly acquired the changeable trader’s assurance by auspiciously assuming three affairs afore the incident. The bulk of money traded was in the ambit amid HKD 600,000 ($77,400) to HKD 700,000 ($90,300).

At the time of the robbery, the woman agreed to accord with the aforementioned man. One badge antecedent told South China Morning Post:

But appropriate afterwards the barter took place, three men accustomed knives and rods jumped out from addition allowance and took the money and the woman’s phone. Robbers didn’t abscond from the arena after aboriginal locking the changeable crypto banker central the office.

Police Are Still Looking for the Four Robbers

Police said the woman alleged her bedmate through her additional phone, who again alleged the authorities. The analysis appear that the abyss busy the appointment on a concise lease.

No arrests accept been made, while detectives from the Kwun Tong bent analysis assemblage are in allegation of the case. According to the woman’s uncle, who collection her to the building, four men fled from the arena in a commitment van. The changeable banker was begin uninjured.

As reported on January 7, 2021, a 37-year-old man was a victim of a annexation from a assemblage of robbers who fled with 15 bitcoin (BTC), account HKD 3 actor ($387,000) in cash. After the transaction, the robbers kicked the victim out of the car on a hillside while counting the money.

What do you anticipate about this additional crypto-related robbery adventure in Hong Kong? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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