Solana Blockchain Halted for Four Hours

Solana Blockchain Halted for Four Hours

THELOGICALINDIAN - A reactivation of the blockchain appears to be imminent

Solana is experiencing yet addition abeyance but will anon re-activate, according to statements from the activity on Twitter.

Solana Halted This Morning

Solana has not candy any blocks or affairs back aloof afterwards apex UTC, Jun. 1, based on block charlatan data.

On Twitter, the Solana aggregation attributed the affair to a bug in the blockchain’s abiding nonce affairs feature. This led to non-determinism, acceptation that altered nodes generated altered after-effects for the aforementioned block and were clumsy to ability a consensus.

Solana added that the arrangement and funds are secure. It has additionally appear restart instructions for validators aural the aftermost hour, implying that the alternation will be aback online soon.

Solana has been the accountable of common outages and bottleneck incidents. The best contempo affair occurred on Apr. 30 back NFT minting bots abounding the arrangement with transactions.

At atomic four added incidents preceded today’s outage, including a 47-hour abeyance in January 2022, at atomic two incidents in December 2021, and at atomic one adventure in September 2021.

SOL Price Is Down

Today’s abeyance seems to accept acquired the Solana (SOL) badge to lose value, as it is bottomward 10.9% over the accomplished 24 hours. It is additionally bottomward 84% from its best aerial of $259.96, aftermost apparent in November 2024.

However, that trend is acceptable affronted by a accepted abatement in the crypto market. Bitcoin, a criterion for the blow of the market, is bottomward 5.7% over the accomplished 24 hours and bottomward 56% from its best high, additionally apparent in November 2024.

Solana is broadly advised an Ethereum adversary due to its aerial transaction throughput, article that Ethereum itself has not yet achieved. It has additionally been championed by the above barter FTX, which has worked extensively with the project.

Those advantages accept helped SOL become the ninth-largest cryptocurrency by bazaar cap. However, connected outages will acceptable do accident to its bazaar amount and standing.

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this allotment endemic BTC, ETH, and added cryptocurrencies, and did not authority SOL.