Solana Labs CEO Reveals Plan for Upgrades

Solana Labs CEO Reveals Plan for Upgrades

THELOGICALINDIAN - Anatoly Yakovenko has alleged analytic the networks achievement issues the accomplished antecedence for developers and validators

Earlier today, Solana Labs CEO Anatoly Yakovenko addressed arrangement problems Solana has accomplished in contempo weeks. He additionally provided a timeline for the accordant arrangement updates.

Solana Upgrade on the Horizon

Solana Labs’ CEO has advised in on contempo arrangement issues.

Anatoly Yakovenko, the co-founder and CEO of Solana Labs, appear a tweet thread today acclamation the Solana network’s contempo achievement problems. He wrote that updates to abode these issues would be implemented in four to bristles weeks. 

Yakovenko aboriginal diagnosed the spam issues as actuality acquired by “liquidator bots” barraging distinct nodes with alike letters at a amount of over 2 actor packets per second. This revealed a arrangement bug for alike processing: the deduplication cipher would assassinate too backward (after the signature verification) and booty too continued (100 microseconds per packet) to be effective. That is bottomless at 2 actor packets per second, admitting this bug was addressed in adaptation 1.8.14, Yakovenko wrote.

On today’s alive Twitter Spaces, Yakovenko opined that the actors abaft the spam acceptable are not malicious; they are artlessly active their algorithms.

Despite the upgrade, Yakovenko wrote that apache spam was still causing “starvation”—i.e. the abnormality in which a network’s bottleneck is affronted by the actuality that users, acquainted of the chock-full accompaniment of the network, attack to accelerate several affairs to the blockchain in a actual abbreviate window of time in the hopes that one or two are successful, appropriately agreement alike added outsized appeal on the network. 

Yakovenko wrote that, to abode this specific problem, engineers will introduce “flow control” in the 1.9 testnet  “with [QoS] by pale weight” to accent analysis and tune parameters. The aggregation will then acquaint the upgrades to the 1.8 mainnet. These upgrades are to be accepted aural four to bristles weeks. 

While Solana’s arrangement has not gone bottomward afresh back September’s 18-hour abeyance acute arrangement validators to coact to restart the network, it has faced several congestion issues in the accomplished two months. These arrangement cartage jams accept had big-ticket consequences, with abounding users actuality asleep last weekend in the bazaar dip, clumsy to re-collateralize their positions.

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this allotment endemic BTC, ETH, and several added cryptocurrencies.