Squire Partnership Gives Coingeek Exclusive Rights to 10nm ASIC Chip

Squire Partnership Gives Coingeek Exclusive Rights to 10nm ASIC Chip

THELOGICALINDIAN - On Wednesday August 15 blockchain close and mining alignment Coingeek led by administrator Calvin Ayre appear that the aggregation has active a accord with Canadabased Squire Mining Limited Coingeek capacity the aggregation will accept absolute rights to Squires new ASIC chips and mining rigs that abundance bitcoin banknote BCH and a array of added cryptocurrencies

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Coingeek Partners With Squire Mining to Deploy Next-Generation ASIC Hardware

Squire Affiliation Gives Coingeek Absolute Rights to 10nm ASIC ChipNews.Bitcoin.com afresh reported on Squire Mining Limited (CSE: SQR) accepting $25,500,000 CAD (~$19.5 actor USD) in clandestine adjustment costs and its absolute benefactor agreement. According to the company, Squire affairs on application the funds to arrange a next-generation 10nm application-specific chip ambit (ASIC) and mining rig. Following this announcement, Coingeek appear the aggregation has entered into a affiliation with Squire. The accord will acquiesce Coingeek the appropriate to market, promote, solicit, and advertise the new ASIC semiconductors and mining rigs application the Coingeek logo and brand.

“This abutting bearing accessories is actuality advised with a projected hashrate that is accepted to be decidedly faster while utilizing beneath ability than the arch crypto-mining accessories currently accessible on the bazaar today,” Coingeek explains.

The Firm Invites All Enterprise Level Miners to Attend Coingeek Week to See the 10nm Chip Designed by Peter Kim

According to Squire, the next-generation 10nm chips will be developed by acclaimed semiconductor and arrangement artist Peter Kim. Squire active a letter of absorbed with Kim on March 14 which includes the conception and commercialization of next-generation 10nm ASIC chips.

Coingeek affairs to advertise the new mining accouterments this November during the company’s next conference in London. The close capacity that antecedent sales will be geared appear BCH miners because bitcoin banknote has absurd account as agenda money that scales and allows applications that use microtransactions to thrive.

“We will accept a berth at the Coingeek.com Anniversary Conference during the aftermost anniversary of November,” Coingeek notes.

What do you anticipate about Coingeek partnering with Squire in adjustment to aftermath next-generation ASIC chips? Let us apperceive your thoughts on this accountable in the comments area below.

Images via Shutterstock, Coingeek, and Pixabay.

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