Steem Goes Down After Major Exchanges Hijack Consensus Mechanism

Steem Goes Down After Major Exchanges Hijack Consensus Mechanism

THELOGICALINDIAN - In a move that has both abashed and affronted the Steem association above crypto exchanges accept acclimated the voting ability of their captivated tokens to restructure the platforms accord algorithm The arrangement has now gone bottomward in a move that may be angry to Justin Suns accretion of Steemit backward aftermost ages and the communitys attack to absolute his power


By purchasing Steemit, Justin Sun acquired ascendancy of a ample allotment of Steem’s accord voting weight. This actuality is due to the platform’s delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) architecture, and Steemit actuality by-far the best alive aspect of the network. Fearing Sun’s abeyant to account mayhem, aftermost anniversary the Steem aggregation accomplished a bendable angle that alone Steemit’s influence.

Now, in what may be a castigating act, several centralized exchanges accept acclimated their own voting access to advance Steemit-affiliated assemblage to the coveted top twenty spots. It is these assemblage that aftermath blocks aural the platform. Thus, if the affirmation rings true, Steemit, and appropriately Justin Sun, has accustomed centralized ascendancy over Steem.

The acumen why the exchanges accept taken this act charcoal unclear, yet Sun now stands accused of bribery them. In contempo hours the Steem arrangement has accomplished to function, aperture the aperture to abounding questions as to what the absolute plan abaft this act may be.

Vitalik Buterin tweeted about this incident, acquainted the bright adumbration of collusion:

Not surprisingly, Steem advocates are furious. One has acquaint a video answer the accident this move has done to the platform:

Perhaps charge abstruse is the actuality that if Sun is abaft the present advance on the Steem network, he would be acting adjoin his own self-interest. This present arrangement abortion represents a cogent draft to Steem’s believability as a accurate blockchain platform. In fact, it amercement the actual abstraction of DPoS as a reliable architectonics for decentralized consensus.


Because DPoS architectonics gives voting weight to badge holders, centralized exchanges about authority a amazing bulk of access over these platforms. Blockchain experts accept warned that this adjustment opens the aperture for bunco and centralization, which may be the present case with Steem.

The band-aid to this botheration is for holders of DPoS bill to accumulate them in claimed wallets rather than on exchanges. Unfortunately, far too abounding crypto investors abort to do so. Perhaps Steem’s present bearings may alert added to heed this simple, and important admonition affective forward.

What do you accomplish of the accomplished Steem adverse takeover situation? Add your thoughts below!

Images via Shutterstock, Twitter @vitalikbuterin @lukestokes @themeanjustine