TIME Magazine CFO Job Posting Requires

TIME Magazine CFO Job Posting Requires "Comfort With Bitcoin"

THELOGICALINDIAN - Time Magazines new CFO needs to accept a akin of comfortability with Bitcoin

A job announcement for the new Chief Financial Officer of TIME Magazine lists “comfort with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies” beneath qualifications.

TIME Magazine in Crypto News

New York-based TIME Magazine is attractive for a new CFO with added than seven years of acquaintance at a C-level position. Among added qualifications, they charge be adequate with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, according to a LinkedIn job posting

The close has appear 18 new positions alignment from journalists, editors to partnerships, and assembly heads. While the added positions do not crave any crypto or Bitcoin knowledge, the C-suite level’s acquaintance reflects the firm’s accommodation to awning the ascent trend. 

Recently, TIME auctioned three iconic covers rights as an NFT. The covers complex a alternation of no pictures, instead rather apocalyptic titles in “Is God Dead?” Is Truth Dead?,” and best recently, “Is Fiat Dead?”

Christopher Gaydos has active the CFO’s position at TIME back 2024. 

The cryptocurrency bazaar is authoritative all-around companies amend their acquittal designs. Spotify, Amazon, Starbucks, and abounding others are abacus experts to their teams too. Simultaneously, the banking casework area in banks, cards, and payment companies is alpha to action crypto-related products, answer TIME’s move to accumulate an accessible apperception appear the ascent sector.

Disclosure: The columnist captivated Bitcoin at the time of press. 

Abra users will now be able to borrow authorization adjoin their crypto holdings.

The new affection lets barter booty out a accommodation by accouterment crypto as collateral.

Abra Introducing Fiat Loans

Abra is rolling out a new accommodation feature.  

The crypto exchange’s barter can now borrow U.S. dollars back they accommodate crypto as collateral. Bill Barhydt, architect and CEO of Abra, said of the update: 

“We’re aflame to cycle out our new Borrow affection by accepted chump demand. By acceptance bodies to borrow US dollars adjoin their agenda assets users can anon tap into their crypto amount assets after affairs their crypto or abnegating approaching amount gains.”

Abra Borrow is advised to accommodated the growing appeal for cryptocurrencies as absorption in the asset chic hits new highs. Crypto holders will not charge acclaim approval to booty out a loan, in adverse to abounding acceptable accounts services. 

Interest ante will alpha at 3.95%, with loans to be paid aback aural six to 24 months. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, and Litecoin can all be acclimated as collateral.

The affection is alive on Abra’s adaptable app today globally and beyond 35 U.S. states. According to the columnist release, added states will be added imminently. 

Abra was founded in San Francisco and has snowballed in acceptance back then. It has over 1 actor barter common and supports trading on over 100 crypto assets

Users can additionally acquire absorption of up to 10% back they authority their assets on the platform. The addition of a accommodation account is yet addition assurance that crypto’s arch exchanges are alpha to booty on the roles of acceptable banks. 

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this affection endemic ETH and several added cryptocurrencies.