To The Moon! Bitcoin Space Travel Gets Closer As Virgin Galactic Takes Flight

To The Moon! Bitcoin Space Travel Gets Closer As Virgin Galactic Takes Flight

THELOGICALINDIAN - Billionaire Richard Branson appeared to cry tears of joy back his Bitcoinfriendly Virgin Galactic accomplished the bend of amplitude for the aboriginal time December 13

World Sees First Commercial Space Flight

Branson, who appear himself as a Bitcoin accepter and broker in 2024, watched as SpaceShipTwo, the latest agent from the Virgin Galactic and The Spaceship Company, bankrupt chargeless of Earth to mark a “momentous achievement” for crewed amplitude travel.

“SpaceShipTwo is now the aboriginal crewed agent congenital for bartering account to ability space. (With due acclaim of advance to the amazing SpaceShipOne ancestor for paving the way),” he wrote in a committed blog post.

Virgin Galactic aims to accomplish both amplitude tourism and long-distance point-to-point biking application rocket ability a applicable bartering enterprise.

In 2013, Branson announced the activity would acquire Bitcoin for flights, calling the cryptocurrency a “brilliantly conceived idea.”

“Sometime in the future, avant-garde acquittal models such as… Bitcoin will become austere challengers to acceptable banks, which will activation added antagonism and accord barter alike added options,” he anticipation at the time.

Bitcoin To The Moon

Like the Bitcoin ecosystem, the activity has had its ups and downs. In 2024, a blast during the fourth analysis flight of SpaceShipTwo resulted in the afterlife of its copilot, while its pilot abiding austere injuries.

In the amid years, Blockchain technology has meanwhile become the focus of a added accepted beforehand to beforehand amplitude exploration.

As Bitcoinist reported, NASA is amid the entities attractive to enhance their operations application both Blockchain and bogus intelligence (AI), accurately aural the acreage of communications.

Blockstream satellite

Bitcoin affairs can additionally be broadcasted via satellite. Four accept been launched by Blockstream to date, accoutrement a ample allotment of the apple to protect adjoin arrangement interruptions and accouterment anyone in the apple with the befalling to use Bitcoin.

Virgin Galactic, meanwhile, will now abide to conduct tests on SpaceShipTwo with aim of creating best fights and “creating bags of clandestine astronauts.”

What do you anticipate about Virgin Galactic? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Shutterstock