To the Moon: CoinMarketCap to Host Metaverse Conference in Virtual Moon Base

To the Moon: CoinMarketCap to Host Metaverse Conference in Virtual Moon Base

THELOGICALINDIAN - CoinMarketCap will host its aboriginal agenda appointment in the Metaverse this May

CoinMarketCap will authority its first-ever basic appointment in the Metaverse this May.

Metaverse Meetup

CoinMarketCap’s anniversary The Capital appointment is activity virtual, demography abode this year central the Metaverse.

The Capital 2022 will booty abode on May 26 and 27 absolutely online, accumulation Metaverse functionality into the accident for the aboriginal time. The basic amplitude will be hosted by Gather.Town, a alien amusing acquisition app that combines the artful of archetypal 8-bit video amateur with video conferencing and added online communications. The agenda “setting” for this year’s appointment will be a abject on the Moon.

The conference’s speakers are set to accommodate Binance architect and arch controlling administrator Changpeng Zhao, MicroStrategy’s arch controlling Michael Saylor, Samson Mow of Jan3, and a array of abode chats, panels, and basic workshops.

In a columnist release, Zhao said:

“The affair of The Capital is Time to Ship—one of the capital affidavit that I’m aflame to allege at CoinMarketCap’s aboriginal anytime online conference. This different metaverse-based accident will focus on crypto articles that are carrying absolute solutions appropriate now, not at some ambiguous time in the future, which is abundantly important to highlight in our abutment of the cryptocurrency revolution,”

The accident will abode capacity alignment beyond decentralized finance, the Metaverse, blockchain gaming, NFTs, and Layer 1 acute arrangement ecosystems. The two-day accident will be live-streamed, and 5,000 bodies from beyond the apple are accepted to tune in.

Unlike abounding covering crypto events, The Captial appointment will not focus on one blockchain but instead will highlight projects that already accept able some admeasurement of success behindhand of their built-in ecosystem. Several arresting Web3 projects will allotment insights on their success, including NEAR, Polygon, Harmony, Boba Network, The Sandbox, Biconomy, Yield Guild Games, Axie Infinity, and Reef.

In 2024, CoinMarketCap captivated its aboriginal The Capital conference, which took abode in Singapore, featured 80 in-person speakers, and drew over 1,000 attendees.

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this allotment endemic BTC, ETH, and several added cryptocurrencies. Crypto Briefing is a media sponsor of The Capital 2022.