Ukraine Cancels Airdrop for Crypto Donors

Ukraine Cancels Airdrop for Crypto Donors

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Ukrainian government has alone its affairs to airdrop a accolade to crypto donors However it will anon absolution an NFT

Around $9 actor account of Ethereum donations had abounding into Ukraine’s abode afterwards the government appear an airdrop Wednesday. 

Ukraine Scraps Airdrop 

Ukraine has alone its affairs to airdrop a badge to cryptocurrency donors. 

The eastern European country’s Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov appear the amend in a Thursday tweet, adage that it had absitively to abolish the administration “after accurate consideration.” Instead, he added, the government will anon absolution a set of NFTs to abutment the aggressive efforts to action Russia’s invasion. 

Ukraine had announced an airdrop “reward” for crypto donors Wednesday afterwards affliction its affairs beforehand in the week. The advertisement led to a flood of donations as crypto users rushed to accelerate funds in a bid to get included in the accommodation snapshot, which was due to abutting at 16:00 UTC today. Dune Analytics data shows that Ukraine’s Ethereum wallet has accustomed about $9 actor back the announcement. 

Interestingly, a doubtable betray badge alleged Peaceful World alike beforehand today in credible hopes of artifice airdrop speculators. Despite earlier reports, signs advance that the creators of the badge accomplished a ambush to accomplish it arise that the tokens, which are listed beneath the ticker WORLD, had appear from Ukraine’s wallet. Although the snapshot for the accepted badge was not due until after today, that didn’t stop bodies from trading it on Uniswap. It’s already hit over $500,000 in volume. 

Scams aside, the crypto association has apparent adherence with Ukraine over the aftermost anniversary amidst the advancing Russia conflict. Data aggregate by Slowmist shows that over $53 actor account of crypto has been aloft to abutment the country’s abatement efforts, best of which has been donated to the government’s own crypto addresses (Ukraine initially acquaint a appeal for Bitcoin and Ethereum over the weekend and is now accepting added cryptocurrencies, including Dogecoin and Polkadot). Several added initiatives accept been organized beyond the crypto and NFT communities, including an NFT bead featuring artwork from some of the best acclaimed crypto artists. It raised $1 actor in 30 seconds. 

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this affection endemic ETH and several added cryptocurrencies.