Unocoin launches iOS mobile wallet, now available in the App Store

Unocoin launches iOS mobile wallet, now available in the App Store

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin barter and wallet casework provider Unocoin has clearly launched their adaptable appliance for iOS in the App Store so that they can ability added bodies who appetite to transact bitcoin in India

“Going mobile” is no best a accessory thought. Most companies accept to go adaptable in order to ability added people. By the end of the 2015 year, about 1.5 billion smartphones were awash about the world, primary actuality Apple iPhone and Android powered devices. Just this week, Google apparent a new initiative to train two actor adaptable app developers in India.

India is booming with bitcoin adoption. So it’s a no brainer that Unocoin has gone mobile, by ablution a adaptable wallet attainable to millions of users in India.


The iOS app allows Indian Unocoin users to administer their bitcoin wallet, accelerate and accept bitcoin, buy and advertise bitcoin for INR through their INR wallet, top-up adaptable buzz and DTH, accredit analytical advance plan provided by Unocoin, browse through abettor and merchant transaction history, appearance his inbox messages, browse offers and brush through account and offers.

India has been blooming afresh in the fintech scene. In a abstraction appear by administration consulting close Zinnov that was based on the fintech startup mural in India, they begin an exponential rise in the cardinal of fintech startups over the last three years with a absolute advance in the area bridge over $1.3 billion USD.

Another bitcoin barter based in India, Coinsecure, recently partnered with BitPay to advice accompany bitcoin to Indian merchants. Bitcoin startup Zebpay, additionally based in India, says that in the accomplished ten months they accept processed over $15 actor in transactions.

Unocoin itself has been growing at a fast clip too. In May, Unocoin partnered with MobiKwik to advice bitcoin acceptance in India, and afore that launched a point-of-sale adaptable app for Indian merchants. The startup has said that it now has added than 80,000 registered users.